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CTS2N - 24-July-12

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Minutes 24-July-2012

Roll Call

  • Ana Estelrich
  • Senthil Nachimuthu
  • Russell Hamm
  • Monica Harry
  • Frank Oemig (regrets)
  • Harold Solbrig (regrets)
  • Fariba Behzadi, eHO (regrets)
  • Ebere Ogbu, eHO (regrets)
  • Farzaneh Ashrafi, eHO
  • Kevin Peterson (regrets)
  • Craig Stancl (regrets)
  • Vassil Peytchev (regrets)

Due to time conflicts (work, meetings) the group touched base very briefly and used the reminder of the time as working time.

Agenda Check

  • No changes or additions requested.


  • First draft of document with core principles alignment has been produced. Frank has added some information on conformance profiles.
  • Very exciting work done by Harold in mapping from PIM to SFM at the information model level.
  • Ana has been in touch with Codices
  • PHAST has look at CTS implementation from Dortmund University
  • Spreadsheet detailing the different CTS 2 implementations. Need to complete the matrix for different implementations.

Action Item Review

Accept changes for first draft of CTS 2 Normative SFM

Suggested Wiki Updates

CTS 2 Conformance Profile

  • Discuss format and scope - advice to look at Frank's proposal.

MIF vs CTS2 model

The approach taken to compare files. Ana and Harold will touch base to discuss the EAP files.

Proposition on how to include the results for the traceability matrix in the document

Working agenda for Baltimore

1. Status of work 2. Decision on the Conceptual Model (Core Principles vs. DSTU vs. MIF). 3. Review enhancements (as long as they do not affect the PIM) – invitation for Dortmund University 4. Conclusions of the matrix traceability and where to fit them in 5. Review of the grouping in the Conformance Profiles. 6. CTS2N and FHIR

Have a clear layout on what the Vocabulary WG is requested to examine/vote on - not discussed in this conf call

Preliminary agenda items for next week

  • To be posed before the call

Action Items