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CTS2N - 20-Nov-12

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Minutes 20-Nov-2012

Roll Call


  • Russ Hamm
  • Ana Estelrich
  • Anne Smith
  • Senthil Nachimuthu


  • Harold Solbrig
  • Frank Oemig

Agenda Check

  • No changes

Document is available on:

Group aims to meet ballot for May. Retro-planning based on the HL7 Publication schedule ( was done.

Tasks left to do:

1) Review of section 6 (Profile conformance) with the latest changes based on the last editorial call (FRANK OEMIG needs to look at this, as Concept Domains, Jurisdictional Domains and Usage Contexts functions were grouped together). Semantic profiles were put into the Appendix D. Group needs to review this section (6 pages).

2) Review enhancements (already present in the text) - section 1.7.2 - page 18 (one page).

3) Go over the whole text checking for coherence (the alignement with Core Principles was already done).

4) Check with Harold if possible to include in the text the alignement SFM-PIM and lessons learnt. This work would provide a nice binding between the SFM and the PIM. If no committment within delays is possible, leave it out.

Deadlines: 4 calls until Phoenix, possible 5 (January 8th) 4 calls until letter of intent after Phoenix - Feb 12th CTS2 call February 17 - must sent intent to ballot CTS2 call Feb 19th Feburary 24 - content must be semi-ready 3 calls CTS2 until content must be ready March 17 - Final content must be ready.

Tasks are not complex, but cannot do reading on editorial calls as it takes too long (or extend deadlines). Edit off-line, compare comments, assign sections to people.

NEXT STEPS: Russ will review section 6 and if time permitting, section 1 and 2.