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CTS2N - 19-Dec-12

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Minutes 19-Dec-2012

Roll Call


  • Ana Estelrich
  • Anne Smith
  • David Sperzel
  • Senthil Nachimuthu


  • Frank Oemig
  • Russ Hamm
  • Monical Harry

Agenda Check

  • No changes

Document is available on:

Announcements: OMG meeting Dec 10-14 Burlingame - CTS2 Technical specifications available at: NORMATIVE VERSION – comments until March 8th. For more information please contact Craig Stancl.

Status of CTS2N Document needs to be move forward, last editorial changes from Monica, Ana will do a last cleaning up and publish to the list after Christmas. Given until Feburay 5th for comments intenal to the group (tentatively). All text is in, just need to read Chapter 6 (profiles) and the enhancements and corrections. It would be nice to have mappings between the SFM operations and the PIM but it will not impact the SFM if not available, it will just make it harder for implementers to orient themselves. If no contribution received on the topic should publish without it.

CTS2 activities in Phoenix – tutorials, PIM walkthrough and deployment. Several CTS2 activities are taking place in Phoenix:

  • Monday Q2 Vocab WG CTS 2 PIM Deployment Status and Walkthrough
  • Tuesday January 15th, Vocab WG Q4 CTS 2 normative ballot working session
  • Tutorial Tuesday, January 15

9:00 – 12:30pm Introduction to the Common Terminology Services Standard 2

  • Tutorial Thursday, January 17

9:00 – 12:30pm CTS2 Implementation: Technical Overview

Planning for Phoenix Tuesday Q4