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CTS2N - 14-Feb-12

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Minutes 14-Feb-2012

Roll Call and Agenda Check

  • Ana Estelrich (AE)
  • Jim Case
  • Monica Harry
  • Senthil Nachimuthu (SN)
  • Craig Stancl
  • Kevin Peterson
  • Russell Hamm
  • Frank Oemig
  • Jan Wittenbur


  • Call in information - HL7 no longer provides toll free calling. Previous agenda was incorrect and has been corrected.

Action Item Review

  • Russ to post wiki information for minutes - complete
  • Discuss with the OMG FTF to have a vote to make the OMG documents public and available on CTS 2 Normative wiki. - Complete
  • Ana to ping Frank / Berndt on their CTS 2 efforts - complete

Infrastructure / Asset Review


Detailed specifications to be drafted by Vancouver WGM.


Frank Oemig outlined the work going on in Germany and Austria pertaining to CTS 2 development from the SFM. Frank called out two specific areas of the SFM that require further discussion/enhancement in the normative SFM.

  1. Conformance is missing from the SFM. Both the SFM and the PIM allow for piecemeal development of CTS 2 services. While this is a strength, the HL7 SFM should establish a conformance profile that outlines the functionality required for a HL7 CTS 2 service instance.
  2. CTS 2 is silent on licensing. We should discuss licensing and how CTS 2 should manage licensing and authentication to terminology sources.

Action Items

  • Russ to investigate and establish mapping document and SFM document in Google docs.

Items for Next Agenda

HL7 Conformance Profile

  • What should it look like (messaging / browsing / mapping)
  • Required functionality

Value Set Grammar

  • What (if anything) is implemented by Mayo or PHAST

Functional Requirement Review

  • Matrix