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CTS2N - 12-June-12

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Minutes 2-June-2012

Roll Call

  • Ana Estelrich (AE)
  • Monica Harry (MH)
  • Senthil Nachimuthu (SN)
  • Russell Hamm (RH)

  • Brian Schweiller (regrets)
  • Kevin Peterson (regrets)
  • Craig Stancl (regrets)
  • Senthil Nachimuthu (regrets)
  • Frank Oemig (regrets)

Agenda Check

  • No changes or additions requested


  • Ana - Presented CTS 2N to HL7 Italy last week. Codices may join future calls. Ana reviewed milestone with the group. Much interest in CTS2.
  • Google docs has presented formatting issues. Should we consider another option? Ana has moved to Word as Google Docs has presented significant challenges.

Action Item Review

  • Action item: Russ to touch base with Craig to get information on the schedule and if needed offer help – look at the SNOMED implementation guide as an example. Use vocab list to distribute the document.
    • Russ contacted Craig. Waiting to hear back.
  • Action item: Contact Frank Oemig to see if he is willing to summarize how ECCF can apply to the CTS2 work.
    • Pending
  • Action item: Russ to get a copy in UML so that we can start simplifying it/compare with the Conceptual Model in CTS2.
    • Russ emailed Lloyd McKenzie and Don Lloyd. Link to UML model in ballot at in “Foundation->Model Interchange Format->MIF Representations->UML” generates a 404. The extra MIF content is quick big, so it does not get copied forward to current ballots unless (and when) it ballots. You can find it in the September 2011 V3 ballot web site here: [[1]] Need to spend time working with the URL to view the UML.
  • Action item: Ana will create two tables for Russ to put on a wiki with the corrections and the enhancements (2 separate tables as we might have to deal with them in a different way).
    • Pending

Traceability Matrix Working Session

Preliminary agenda items for next week

Action Items

  • Russ to remove Google doc link. Proceed with using MS Word. We can use email to coordinate through email for the time being.
  • Russ to ask HS and CS about how this is managed.