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CTS2N - 03-July-12

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Minutes 19-June-2012

Roll Call

  • Ana Estelrich (AE)
  • Monica Harry (MH)
  • Senthil Nachimuthu (SN)
  • Fariba Behzadi, eHO
  • Farzaneh Ashrafi, eHO
  • Ebere Ogbu, eHO
  • Harold Solbrig
  • Vassil Peytchev
  • Russell Hamm (regrets)
  • Kevin Peterson (regrets)
  • Craig Stancl (regrets)
  • Frank Oemig (regrets)

Agenda Check

  • No changes or additions requested


  • no announcements

Action Item Review

  • Action item: Russ to ask HS and CS about how this is managed.
    • Complete. Harold provided a solution, which genreated another question. Suggest bringing Harold and Nicolas together on a future call where this is the topic.

Follow-up: call June 25th, 2012 between Nicolas and Harold, issues discussed, documentation to be sent by Harold.

  • Action item: Contact Frank Oemig to see if he is willing to summarize how ECCF can apply to the CTS2 work.
    • Pending

Follow-up: Ana exhanged mails with Frank, proposed slot to discuss the approach and any other issue. Action item: waiting for Frank to respond.

  • Action item: Ana will create two tables for Russ to put on a wiki with the corrections and the enhancements (2 separate tables as we might have to deal with them in a different way).

Walk through of first draft of CTS 2 Normative SFM

  • Document available at:
  • Explain the structure of the document (took the boiler plate from HSSP, realized it was intended for a DSTU, looked at two normative HSSP SFM, XSI and RLUS, approach is similar.
  • The preface list all the changes from the DSTU, based on the mile stones.
  • Correction and enhancements were discussed in a global manner, with some illustrative examples, while acknowledging that they need to be look at in an individual basis. Available at:
  • Explaining the rationale behind the alignment with Core Priciples - track changes left on until approved, some of the original text left in where it felt it was needed to enance clarity.
  • The MIF file was obtained from This needs to be studied, then we need to determine which components are critical for a CTS2 Terminology Server, see how this align with the Core Principles HL7 Vocabulary Model. (Action item: Harold will take a look at it and make a suggestion).
  • Lessons learnt from the OMG CTS2 Implementation pertaining to the HL7 should be included (Action item: Harold to look up document).
  • Discussing the HL7 CTS2 Functional Requirements Traceability Matrix - center piece document - important because it will show any HL7 CTS2 implementer where to look in the PIM to implement a certain functionality (Action item: Harold to work on the matrix, others to help as per abilities).
  • Reconciliation between the CTS2 Information model and the PIM. As the PIM addresses a broader community, supplementary information on how HL7 needs are met are included (see Appendix C - HL7 CTS2 Functional Requirements Traceability Matrix, information model and Github_comments-SFM-PIM (Action item: Harold to take a look at the document containing the comments and see how it reconciles with the matrix).
  • Look at how CTS2N articulates with FHIR (action item: Ana to propose milestone).

Preliminary agenda items for next week

  • To be posed before the call

Action Items

  • Frank Oemig - respond to Ana mail, document regarding ECCF
  • Harold Solbrig - see above (MIF, Lessons Learnt, Traceability Matrix, Github comments).
  • Ana Estelrich - propose next milestone, CTS2N articulation with FHIR.