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CSCR-118 add R AssignedOrganization to ClinicalStatementLocation CMET) (Rx harmonization)

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Submitted by: Rik Smithies Revision date: <<Revision Date>>
Submitted date: 09-Jan-2013 Change request ID: CSCR-118


From Rx alignment sheet (posted to list 9th Jan)

SPLY in Rx has mandatory LOC location to R_AssignedOrganization. Do child RMIMs have this? At least MO does not. Have asked Rx. CS has own CMET with R_ServiceDeliveryLocation which doesn’t cover AssignedOrganization. Hopefullly Rx can stick to SDLOC which is supported in CS already. (Rx PRF goes to R_AssignedOrganization too, but that is presumably covered by CS having R_AssignedEntity for PRF)

Checked with Rx and DMIM is correct.


add R AssignedOrganization to ClinicalStatementLocation CMET to cover Rx DMIM



Recommended Action Items


Motion to accept: William, Hans Against: 0; Abstain: 1; In Favor: 8 Carried