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CMHAFF call, Thursday, December 7
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ATTENDEES: Adamu Haruna, Matt Graham, Gora Datta, Nathan Botts, Frank Ploeg
AGENDA: All the items below except 6.3 were reviewed, a few edits were made, and the remainder of the document was approved! A vote will be taken on Friday, Dec. 8th's MH Friday call, to approve sending cMHAFF to the January ballot.
- Thurs Dec 7: Chapter 4 through end (Implementation, Appendices) -- approx 11 pages, plus a few specific items:
- Diagram of EU regulations at end of section 3.2.1. Frank submitted some updates. David will work w Frank off-line to update the diagram with proper versions of each directive or regulation.
- Change to 3.4.1, criterion #8. OK.
- Change to 3.4.4, criterion #4 and Implementation Guidance. OK
- 3.4.6, ISO 21089 standard added. OK
- 3.4.7 MedMij standard description added. Frank suggested some changes. OK.
- 3.4.8 Change to Criterion #6. OK
- 3.4.9 Criterion #5 added to address ballot comment. OK
- 3.4.10 Audit standard added. We agreed to add HL7 Record Management and Evidentiary Support EHR Functional Profile.
- 3.5.1 Format for data download? Will clarify that nonproprietary formats should be used, e.g., CSV, XML, JSON.
- 6.3 Choice of symbols for cMHAFF Information Label. Frank doesn't like up/down arrows. David will follow up off-line, since Frank's audio wasn't working well.
- The remaining plan
- Thurs Dec 14: there will be a final end-to-end review (probably brief, since we have so few outstanding edits), clean up (based on comments through December 8th), formatting for submission. Gary Dickinson, who was unable to attend today, said he might send some comments either before the deadline, or else during the ballot.
- Final content deadline Dec 17