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CMHAFF call, Monday, April 17

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Attendees: Vanessa Batoon, Serafina Versaggi, David Tao


  • Discuss next steps on HITRUST agreement and evaluation -- Serafina pointed out that there are many publicly available documents on the HITRUST website, that may be useful, while we deliberate over the CSF 8.1 (which requires limited license agreement)
  • Since cMHAFF is a framework, we should consider if there is a particular risk assessment guideline that we can reference, rather than just saying "an accepted risk management framework." The HL7 Security Cookbook describes such a framework, but the way it's written, it's targeted not for software developers but rather standards developers.
  • Review latest cMHAFF edits (ballot comment disposition textual changes). Vanessa made several suggestions, that David incorporated.
  • Nathan will report back on North Carolina Department of Health use cases at the next meeting.
  • The April 24 and May 1st meetings are cancelled. Next meeting will be May 8th (change: next is May 15, due to WGM in Madrid)

David uploaded the latest version of the document to the cMHAFF Wiki.