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CGIT concall 20160718

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Meeting Information

Proposed Agenda Topics

  • Co-chair elections deadline July 29
  • RFP - Version 2 Conformance Statement Guidance

Running List of topics

  • Next WGM
  • Data Type flavors
  • Delete indicator
  • Conformance Tutorial


  • Nathan Bunker
  • Craig Newman
  • Rob Snelick


  • RFP: Waiting to here back to schedule next meeting for RFP. Probably be the topic the next meeting.
  • Delete indicator: No strong consensus on Delete indicator. A lot of notes. In parking lot for now.
  • Conformance Tutorial: Rob is going to start in the next week or so. The goal is to have straw man by September. So we can review. At least one quarter set aside for this.

Todo Items

  • Nathan: Finish the PSS