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CGIT concall 20160222

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Meeting Information

Proposed Agenda Topics

  • Continued Discussion: Data Type Flavors Proposal
  • Question: Should Conformance WG co-sponsor Version 2.9 project?
  • (maybe) V2 Immunization Testing

Todo Items

  • Rob Snelick: Create summary of for PSS
  • Nathan Bunker: Start PSS
  • Craig Newman: Start on putting together a list of data type flavors

Meeting Minutes


  • Nathan Bunker
  • Craig Newman
  • AbdulMalik Shakir
  • Rob Snelick
  • Ioana Singureanu

Items Discussed

  • Version 2.9 Project
    • In HL7 2+ Conformance chapter 2B will be pulled out and made a separate document. This is the long term effect.
    • Conformance was not planning to update for 2.9 with the expectation that more work would be done in the future.
    • AbdulMalik proposes to go through 2.9 and identify areas that might need some clarification to language. Not looking to re-write, just to make things more clear. He will get a red-lined version out for next call.
    • Don't necessarily need to join the project to make edits. Let publishing know that we are thinking about making some edits so we can get a timeline. Not a major re-edit just a window of opportunity to make clarifications in language.
    • Question, are there Guinea Pig to look at the chapter and give us feedback? Think about people we can bring in to see the work being done on the Conformance chapter.
  • Data Type Flavors Proposal
    • Discussing whether there is a need for a library for data type flavors. The concern is that there are so many variations. These will be HL7 standard artifacts created by HL7 WG's and not user submitted. Single source for data. There is a basic need to supply US affiliates with support. Registries are very difficult to do and rarely a success. This is one of the worries. Should be tooling behind it to support it. Might just be a document, the term "repository" might be too strong of a word.
    • Discussing when IG's should be updated to use the new published data types.
    • For step 4, submitting new data types, this would have to come to Conformance for review. This would add a step to the process of balloting the guide.
    • HL7 doesn't have a best practice check list for making a guide. This has been something this group has needed to do, but hasn't yet.

Todo Items

  • Ioana will reach out to Publishing tell them we are perhaps thinking of making some language modifications to Chapter 2
  • AbdulMalik will do a red-line edit for Conformance to look at our next meeting
  • Nathan will work on the PSS
  • Craig will work on circulating technical documents
  • Everyone: reach out to people outside of Conformance who might want to look at Conformance edits