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CBCC WG January 2010 Working Group Meeting - Pheonix

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Day Date Qtr Time Session Type Event Session Leader Room
Monday 17-Jan Q1 09:00-10:30 . No Meeting . .
Q2 11:00-12:30 . No Meeting . .
Q3 1:45- 3:00
Business Meeting
Ballot Reconciliation
Joint w/Security (Security Hosting)
  • Call for additional agenda items (5 minutes)
  • Security DAM (ballot reconcilliation, 40 minutes)
  • CDA R2 Implementation Guide for Consent Directives (ballot reconcilliation, 40 minutes)
CBCC Co-Chairs

Security Co-Chairs

Suite 1267
Q4 3:30- 5:00
Business Meeting
Technical Meeting
Ballot Reconciliation
Joint with Security (Security Hosting)
  • Security DAM (ballot reconcilliation)
  • CDA R2 Implementation Guide for Consent Directives (ballot reconcilliation)

if time available

  • Merge of Security and Privacy DAMs discussion (harmonization of DAMs)
  • CBCC-Security Joint Project Updates
  • PASS-Alpha/SAEAF projects (Report out, Ballot Result Summary)
  • NHIN and other US-Realm for January 2010 Ballot
CBCC Co-Chairs

Security Co-Chairs

PIMA (change from Suite 1267)
Tuesday 18-Jan Q1 09:00-10:30 . No Meeting . .
Q2 11:00-12:30 . No Meeting . .
Q3 1:45 - 3:00
Business Meeting
Ballot Reconciliation
CBCC Business Meeting
  • Project Planning
  • V2 Issues
  • Long Term Care Functional Profile
  • Ballot Reconciliation CDA R2 Consent Directive Guide
CBCC Co-Chairs Suite 1267
Q4 3:30 - 5:00
Business Meeting
Ballot Reconciliation
CBCC (continuation of Q3)
  • Long Term Care Functional Profile
  • Ballot Reconciliation CDA R2 Consent Directive Guide
CBCC Co-Chairs Suite 1267
Wednesday 19-Jan Q1 09:00-10:30 . Joint w/PC, PHER (PC Hosting) . Sunset
Q2 11:00-12:30 . Joint w/SOA, Security (SOA Hosting) . Suite 1367
Q3 1:45 - 3:00
Ballot Reconciliation
Technical Meeting
Ballot Reconciliation – HL7 Implementation Guide for Clinical Document Architecture, Release 2: Consent Directives, Release 1 HL7 Implementation Guide for Clinical Document Architecture, Release 2: Consent Directives, Release 1
  • Security and Privacy Policy Semantics/Schema
    • Language Systems Interoperability
    • use of SNOMED-CT
CBCC Co-Chairs Suite 1267
Q4 3:30 - 5:00
Technical Meeting
Business Meeting


  • Co-Chair Election Result Announcement
  • Proposed Schedule and agenda items for May 2010 meeting
  • Co-Chair - Project Planning, Unfinished Business, Note Review, SWOT Review, Mission/Charter Review
CBCC Co-chairs Suite 1267
Thursday 21-Jan Q1 09:00-10:30 . No Meeting . .
Q2 11:00-12:30
Ballot Reconciliation
(Tentative) Joint w/Security (Security Hosting)
  • Security related ballot comments for CDA R2 Consent Directive Implementation Guide
  • Ballot Reconciliation for Security DAM
. (Suite 1266)
Q3 1:45 - 3:00
Ballot Reconciliation
(Tentative) Joint w/Security (Security Hosting)
  • Ballot Reconciliation for Security DAM
. (Suite 1266)
Q4 3:30 - 5:00 . No Meeting . .
Friday 22-Jan Q1 09:00-10:30 . No Meeting . .
Q2 11:00-12:30 . No Meeting . .
Q3 1:45 - 3:00 . No Meeting . .
Q4 3:30 - 5:00 . No Meeting . .

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Original Proposed Agenda: January 2010 Working Group Meeting - Phoenix, Proposed CBCC WG Agenda