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Business Context Conceptual Artifact Definition

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Business Context

Definition and Purpose

The Business Context sets the scope for requirements gathering and agreement. Clarification of what is the shared purpose is fundamental to achieving working interoperability. The all subsequent requirements gathering and interoperability design should be focused on satisfying the shared purpose within the scope of the business context, although a subset of functionality may be chosen to achieve incremental progress.

SAIF Matrix Location


  • Conceptual (CIM)


  • Enterprise/Business


Primarily non-technical audiences, ranging from executives to clinicians who need to find and agree to the requirements for interoperability.



Rationale: More text


  1. Some requirement
    1. RationaleSome reason
  2. Some other requirement
    1. RationaleSome other reason

Relationships and traceability

  • Some relationship
    • Rationale: Reason for relationship
  • Some other relationship
    • Rationale: Reason for other relationship

Artifact Technology

Text here


  • Some reason
  • Some other reason


Some technology

  • Some pro or con
  • Some other pro or con

Content Constraints

  1. Some rule
    1. Rationale: Some reason
  2. Some other rule
    1. Rationale: Some other reason

Content Guidelines

  1. Some rule
    1. Rationale: Some reason
  2. Some other rule
    1. Rationale: Some other reason

Publishing Representation(s)

  1. Some text
    1. Rationale: Some rationale
  2. Some other text
    1. Rationale: Some other rationale

Publishing Constraints

  1. Some rule
    1. Rationale: Some reason
  2. Some other rule
    1. Rationale: Some other reason

Tooling Considerations

  1. Nice-to-have|Required: Some feature
    1. Rationale: Some rationale
  2. Nice-to-have|Required: Some other feature
    1. Rationale: Some other rationale

Development Process Considerations

  1. Some text
    1. Rationale: Some rationale
  2. Some other text
    1. Rationale: Some other rationale


  • Some issue
  • Some other issue