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Basic criteria for shared messages

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This is a page of type Category:InM Closed Action Items.

Basic Criteria For Shared Messages

Opened: 11-Aug-05            
Assigned to: Michael van Campen 
was action item 961

Developing a list of basic criteria for shared messages, so that shared messages doesn’t end up being a dumping ground. Perhaps a topic in MCCI R2?

  • 11-Aug-05 , Lloyd McKenzie , Open , MCCI
    • INM requests more details. Lloyd will provide them to Tony, and we will discuss the topic in San Diego. Lloyd to start a discussion thread about “undo” on MnM list server. Rene will bring forward notification interactions shared messages. Hope to publish shared messages in January cycle. Lloyd to offer help with shared messages publication database
  • 11-Aug-05 , Lloyd McKenzie , Open , MCCI
    • Lloyd added a fifth: sending out a “broadcast” message – such as a user notification that the system is going down in 5 minutes, etc. Lloyd needs to forward this last one to INM.
  • 28-Nov-05 , Lloyd McKenzie , Reviewed , Shared Messages
    • 20051128 INM Telcon: no update.
  • 20060110, Michael van Campen, Shared Messages
    • 20060110: INM WGM: Michael van Campen will create a list of candidates to be included/excluded. Rene will assist.
    • 20060508 WGM: Open.
  • 20060915 WGM: Michael: open
  • 20070502: WGM: Michael: open with guilt
  • 20070702: Telcon : Tony will query Michael
  • 20080114:WGM:Michael commited to provide content by the shared message ballot is discussed.
  • 20080116: WGM: Michael presented content for approval, which will be posted.
  • 20080116: Michael: Here it is:

Scope of the Shared Messages Domain

Shared Interactions includes fundamental building blocks of the implementation of an EHR that meet all of the following criteria:

  • Have broad based applicability across implementation solutions where it’s inclusion in those applications is seen as necessary infrastructure (e.g. retracting a previously submitted interaction);
  • Are not covered by established clinical or administrative domains (i.e. not covered as part of domains such as Pharmacy, Patient Administration, Security, etc.);
    • where the scope of of those bluidling blocks doesn't merit the creation of a new domain, and
  • Are differentiated with other infrastructure components by being fully formed message interaction specifications (i.e. not just wrappers or data types).

Example topics include (but not are limited to) message broadcast, retract, act definition registry and annotations.

  • 20080331: Telcon Closed