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August 5, 2014 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
x Johnathan ColemanCBCC Interim Co-Chair x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair . Jim KretzCBCC Interim Co-Chair . Max WalkerCBCC Co-Chair
. Wende Baker . Bill Braithwaite, MD x Kathleen Connor . Daniel Crough
. Steve Eichner x Rick Grow . Mohammed Jafari . Tracy Leeper
. Lisa Nelson x Mike Lardiere x Diana Proud-Madruga . Harry Rhodes
. Lori Simon x Ioana Singureanu . Tony Weida . Brian Newton (Healthwise San Francisco), invited by Mike Ladariere
. Maryann Juurlink . Steve Daviss . Kate Wetherby x Neelima Chennamaraja
. Dina Passman x Serafina Versaggi . Marlowe Greenberg . Chris Clark, WV
. Ken Ortbals . Matt Peeling . Nathan Botts . .
. Hady Khorasani . David Henkel . Amanda Nash . _Bob Yencha
. Julia Chan, Pharmacist Steve Eichner . _ . _

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve [June 29, 2014 CBCC Conference Call] Meeting Minutes
  2. (15 min) Data Provenance Update
  3. (05 min;;) Privacy Consent Directives - Ballot Reconciliation
  4. (05 min) PSS Patient Friendly Natural Language

Meeting Minutes

Approval of Past Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes for [June 29, 2014 CBCC Conference Call] unanimously approved.

Data Provenance - Update

  • Near-final draft is on the home page of CBCC--it does contain a few typos, and needs a few final tweaks
    • Any other issues can be addressed off-ballot, if need be, and go through reconciliation as well
  • Original PSS indicated several strong interests from other WGs (nine total); Structured Docs had requested to be a co-sponsor a few weeks ago and the DESD approved them as such.
    • The Security WG has come forward and expressed an interest to co-sponsor.

MOTION PASSED Johnathan proposed for CBCC to officially acknowledge that it wishes to work with Security as a co-sponsor

Objections: none; Abstentions: none

Privacy Consent Directives Project

  • Has it been completed? Do we have approval of the proposed dispositions?
  • We can add discussion of the project to our weekly agenda until it is complete (this discussion will lead up to the WG meeting in September).

Patient Friendly Natural Language PSS - Update

  • Suzanne has one more minor piece to complete on the PSS for Patient Friendly Natural Language before sending to Melva Peters today.
  • FHIR template needs to be completed for Patient Friendly Natural Language project.
    • Suzanne should contact Paul Knapp/John Moehrke for help on this (Kathleen has sent template to Suzanne/Diana)

Meeting Adjourned at 1026 PDT

Additional minutes provided by --Rgrow (talk) 19:25, 7 August 2014 (UTC)