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August 3rd CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve minutes July 27th, call for additional agenda items & Accept Agenda.
  2. (55 min) Cookbook for Security Considerations
  • Ongoing Projects
  • Privacy Policy Reference Catalog
    • Pat Pyette will provide a brief status update on the project on August 10th


1. Action Items

2. Resolutions - none

3. Updates/Discussion

During today's session, the group reviewed the list of risks that was generated during last week's brainstorming session.

  • Each risk was briefly analyzed to ensure that it is in fact, a valid risk for the Implementation Guide for Consent Directives
  • For each risk, the group further fleshed out the Characterization of Risk (Asset and Type of Impact), Assessment of Risks (Level of Impact and Probability) and Mitigation of Risk (Mitigation, New Level of Impact, New Probability and Comment)
    • Whenever a mitigation to a risk is specified, there is always the chance new risks may be introduced which require further risk assessment
  • At the end of the hour, we added two additional risks and completed the analysis for each risk up to Row #15
  • The Risk Assessment spreadsheet has been posted on GForge. This is the version that we will take up next week (August 10th) when we complete the Security Cookbook Risk Assessment for CDA R2 Implementation Guide for Consent Directives.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:00 PM EDT

No significant motions or decisions were made

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