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August 29, 2014 Financial Management Work Group Conference Call

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Conference Call Schedule

  • Occurs on Fridays, beginning January 2014 @4:00 pm, Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
  • Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 686300# (alternative for US if the first number doesn't work: +1 888-321-4501)


Member Name Present
Kathleen Connor Co-chair x
Beat Heggli Co-chair
Paul Knapp Co-chair x
Lorraine Constable x
Oscar Gatson
Lloyd McKenzie
Mary Kay McDaniel
Mike Davis Security WG Co-chair x
Dmytro Rud
Andy Stechishin x
Serafina Versaggi| |
Jay Zimmerman

August 29, 2014 Call Agenda Topics

Presiding Cochair: Paul Knapp

  1. (05 min) Attendance. 22 2014 Minutes and agenda approval.
  2. (20 min) FHIR Security Labels and Consent Directive Issues relating to patient financial information
  3. (20 min) FHIR FM Development Work Session: Paul to lead continued PFR Resource Development.
  4. (10) Review of SSSD PSS voting items.
  5. (05 min) Other Business and Action Item Review

RE: Approval of agenda and minutes & vote on SSSD item

Motion Moved Second Affirm Abstain Opposed

Approval of agenda and August 22, 2014 Minutes & vote on SSSD item






RE FHIR Financial Management Resources Work Session:

  • Mike Davis joined to call to discuss the FM relevant security and privacy requirements for FHIR Security Labels and Consent Directives. Several approaches for bringing attention to these issues were discussed.
  • Paul walked through the latest developments including the proposed PFR Status Request/Response Resources.

8 Review of SSSD PSS voting items. Concerns were raised about ambiguity in the EHR, Privacy and Security Operations Vocabulary Alignment PSS. Proposed that we ask for clarification before voting on whether to affirm. Group decided to vote on recommendation to send back to Security and CBCC WG for review before it goes to TSC.

Action Item - continue discussion on interim calls until the Sept WGM unless cancelled on the list.