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April 27th CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes April 20th Security/CBCC WG Meeting, call for additional agenda items & Accept Agenda
  2. (55 min) Ongoing Projects Update
    • Privacy Policy Reference Catalog
    • Time will be dedicated during the CBCC hour going forward to begin work on the Privacy Policy Reference calendar. We can determine how much of the hour we want to carve out during this meeting


1. Action Items


  • Will send notification from the Ballot Desktop requesting that negative comments be withdrawn for the January CDA R2 Implementation Guide for Consent Directives D1 ballot.


2. Resolutions

3. Updates/Discussion

Privacy Policy Reference Catalog

  • Don and Pat were unable to attend today’s call so there was no update on the project today

CDA R2 Implementation Guide for Consent Directives

There is some confusion about the status of the CDA R2 Implementation Guide originally balloted in January.

  • As yet, the VA team has not received a request to withdraw their negative comments. Mike requests that the CBCC co-chairs clarify the status of the January (first) ballot and send the appropriate notification out to withdraw the negative comments.
  • Ioana clarified that all negative comments from the January ballot were addressed to the satisfaction of the submitters during ballot reconciliation. Many changes were substantive which results in a second ballot. Notification of the DSTU2 has been posted on the ballot site.
  • Mike expressed concern with the process since it results in two ballots being open at the same time.
  • Suzanne will send out a notice from the ballot desktop requesting that negative votes from the January D1 ballot be withdrawn

Before adjourning the meeting, Jim Krentz raised a question about the April 23rd HIT Standards Committee meeting that took place last week in which John Moehrke presented Basic Patient Privacy Consents (BPPC). Jim’s specific concern was related to the Basic Patient Privacy Consents document that was distributed at that meeting.

  • Richard questioned why the BPPC is being raised in front of the Standards Committee at this date when it was developed in 2006 and recognized at that time as being far from a perfect solution.
  • Suzanne suggested that we add an item to a future agenda to discuss the context for this presentation at the April 23rd HIT SC meeting when the appropriate people are on the call.

Meeting adjourned at 2:35 PM EDT, No significant motions or decisions were made.

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