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April 15, 2015 Security WG Conference Call

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Meeting Information

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Member Name Present Member Name Present Member Name Present
Mike Davis Security Co-chair x John Moehrke Security Co-chair x Trish Williams Security Co-chair
Bernd Blobel, Security Co-chair . Johnathan Coleman . Kathleen Connor x
Duane DeCouteau x Reed Gelzer . Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-chair x
Rick Grow x David Henkel x Mohammed Jafari .
Don Jorgenson . Diana Proud-Madruga x Harry Rhodes .
Ioana Singureanu . Richard Thoreson CBCC Co-chair . Ross Freeman .
Amanda Nash Walter Suarez . Tony Weida x
Chris Clark x Paul Petronelli x Aaron Seib, 2311, LLC x
. . .

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve April 8, 2014 Security WG Conference Call Minutes & Accept Agenda Meeting minutes are not ready
  2. (15 min) Security WGM AGENDA
  3. (15 min) Way with Verbs update
  4. (15 min) Item
  5. (15 min) Item

Meeting Minutes

Progress made with Way with Verbs project

  • Kathleen, Diana met with Gary and Steve during EHR Interoperability WG (Tues 11:00)
  • showed latest work and how we got there
  • plan to present SOA WG meeting in May
  • interest at looking at state diagrams

WGM Meeting - items added to WGM Agenda at Joint Security-SOA

Add Wed: Tony at SOA meeting - Mind Map

  • SOA initiatives - move the PASS AC DSTU to Normative (DSTU expires in December)
  • Existing project - PASS Security Architecture
  • FHIMS - move forward FHA resources SOA, if we can get all parties to the same table so that we are uniform/uniform methodology. This will have more depth in complying with federal entities. (extend invite to Bernd, Galen and Steve H
  • Add Privacy and Security DAM elements and ballot as Normative
  • Discussion Topic: Data Provenance on Wednesday or Thursday (tentatively on Thursday with CBCC) depending Johnathan Coleman's availability
  • CDA
  • Patient Friendly Natural Language Scope Statement - introduce on Monday approval,
  • Tuesday - FHIR (all day) ; possibility to do Duane's FHIR demo (20 minutes) we could adjourn and watch the demo, or continue with the meeting and only some of our participants attend the all-day FHIR.
  • HACB; policy, clearance...possible PowerPoint of the demo since Duane will no be in attendance
  • FHIR and SOA have been taking some comments on the PASS-SLS, that is our connection to SOA and our connection with FHIR is from the Security side
  • Ballot Reconciliation on Privacy and Security DAM
  • Tuesday afternoon - Way with Verbs may be supporting Humanly readable content/Patient Natural Language Project - Suzanne to work with Tony
  • IHE report out - John Moehrke

Mobile Health Security - Paul Petronelli Mobile Health Security - Paul Petronelli

  • Paul Petronelli - would like to invite Security WG members to Mobile health Expert Session to be held on 4/17. Topic: Mitigation Strategies for BYOD...

In general the Mobile Health Security WG is focusing on coming up with hints and advice to product developers. The main market is the development community building mobile applications. It's a volunteer group and several members are involved with other projects. The main idea is to bring awareness of the security issues involved with Mobile Health Devices. A previous meeting with the topic, Bring Your Own Device, provided lively discussions. The 4/17 meeting is also expected to be lively. Future sessions will be held each month and one will include a mobile health security discussion with Apple and IOS.

The VA is looking at mobile device security---currently they are using PIV cards to authenticate users, but mobile health devices don't use PIV cards very well. They're looking at some kind of token (targeting two factor identification) to use either jointly or separately.

Meeting adjourned at 1435 PST --Suzannegw (talk) 21:34, 15 April 2014 (UTC)