April 03, 2018 CBCP Conference Call
Community-Based Care and Privacy (CBCP) Working Group Meeting
Meeting Information
Dial-in Number: (515) 604-9861; Access Code: 429554 * International Dial-in Numbers: https://fccdl.in/i/cbhs * Online Meeting Link: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/cbhs * Click on Join an Online Meeting Enter Online Meeting ID: cbhs * Follow prompts if not automatically connected
Please be aware that teleconference meetings are recorded to assist with creating meeting minutes
Call Recording: https://fccdl.in/0gfP7LTghl (temporary)
Member Name | x | Member Name | x | Member Name | x | Member Name | |||||
. | Johnathan ColemanCBCP Co-Chair | x | Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCP Co-Chair | x | Jim Kretz CBCP Co-Chair | x | David Pyke CBCP Co-Chair | ||||
x | Kathleen Connor Security Co-Chair | x | Mike Davis | . | John Moehrke Security Co-Chair | .x | Diana Proud-Madruga | ||||
. | Chris Shawn | x | Neelima Chennamaraja | . | Joe Lamy | x | Greg Linden | ||||
x | Irina Connelly | . | Saurav Chowdhury | x | Dave Silver | x | Francisco Jauregui | ||||
. | Patricia Peretz | . | Amber Patel | x | Becky Angeles | . | Jennifer Brush | ||||
. | Mohammed Jafari | . | Ali Khan | . | Ken Salyards | . | Ken Sinn | ||||
x | David Staggs | . | Steve Eichner | . | Ioana Singureanu | . | Beth Pumo |
- Roll Call, Agenda Review
- Meeting Minutes approval:
- (5 min) CBCP FHIR THURSDAY call at 1:00 ET // FHIR Consent Directive Project Wiki, Main page
- FHIR Consent discussion
- FHIR CPs for review
- FHIR Consent CPs are located: link to ALL Consent Change requests
- FHIR Security Project Update - Johnathan
- Privacy and Security Architecture Framework (PSAF) Ballot - update, discussion Meeting weekly on Thursdays 11:00 AM ET Meeting Link: http://www.hl7.org/concalls/CallDetails.aspx?concall=38423
Meeting Minutes (DRAFT) Meeting recording (temporary): https://fccdl.in/VdCaFwbqRo
CBCP FHIR We are not doing FHIR consent calls every week
- call last week
- Action Code List
- Dave met with kathleen - generated a new code list (showed on screen)
- history - code list for the actions (left colume) be mutally exclusive /heirachical; there was dissent on heirachical so definitosn were clarified to make more clear
- simpliefied;
- access - retrieval without permitting collection, use or disclosure i.e. no screen sscaping for collection, use or disclosure; viewonly access
Code - Display Definition collect - collec - gather retrieved information for storage access - Access - Retr use - Use - Utilize of retrieved information disclose - Disclose - transfer retrieved ifnoramtion correct - Correct - Alllow retrival of a patient's information for the purpose of update or rectify
- these map to read, access (security system) and are reflected, describe (UPDATE FROM RECORDING); terms come from exhausted review of ISTPA (add link), have access to security controls
- we have no control how UI will present, we are giving the basics of what we're doing--this is whatyou should say; "codes are for FHIR"
- in use to collection - use and disclosure, JohnM - knows of a new use of access (instead of 'use); not understanding the .... is this the same as privacy law?
- ISTPA boiled up some of the devintions from privacy practices
- JohnM is trusing that these 5 are the top level 5...they are non-overlapping. once published (i.e. in FHIr spec) the audience doesn't have that level of trust with us--recommending we including the source for the deifntions and/or a mapping an equiv deifntions from other sources. Looking for how to prevent from raising up the topic--where we have an answer, but didn't expose the work.
- Kathln - we can do that to the ISTPA overview (link) wit explanation why we didnt' include purpose, why we use correct instead of access in ISTPA) - would that satisfy?
- if we put a link to the deinfiton in the element list - that would help; this is eXAMP:E code list--do we need to be that rigourous on an example code list?
- once moved into V3 - this become the normative code list;
example - preferred - extensible - required w/preferred - vocab preferred to be used, but is covered by your vocabulary--they are allowed to create their own vocabulary which is alwready in your value set. (w/extensible - you are forbidden to that) recommend to wait to go to v3, will lead to better interoperability
the PLAN going to use these code list/definitions submit to harmonization for v3 make an EXTENSIBLE list in FHIR (rather than example) gForge ticket # 15784
Discussion - in spirit, we will continue to work on the defintions (finalize for harmonization in July - initial proposals
MOTION: (Kathleen / Jim Kretz) aCCEPT change definitions within the FHIR concent to the follown until v3 harmonization is set,
Abstention: 1 (Becky) Against: none In Favor: 8 - motion carries
HL7 glossy information posted by JohnM John Moehrke
Created new stream for Security and Privacy discussions. Specification development, and Implementation. https://chat.fhir.org/#narrow/stream/Security.20and.20Privacy Grahame created a new stream for Patient Empowerment. Discussions about empowering patients. Focus on deployment and advocacy. https://chat.fhir.org/#narrow/stream/patient.20empowerment
John Moehrke
John Moehrke, 09:40AM Those privacy actions might be best first brought up to the HL7 glossary project. Good way to start down a example vocabulary pathway
Glossary project was intended to bring information out of the RIM (same as in ISO); the terms were not satisflying--maybe we should bring this information to the Glossary
FHIR Security Update - Johnathan no present
'PSAF Ballot - '[
- Completed the work on Volume 1, 2
- informative information that goes with it, submitted for May ballot on Sunday 4/1
- Volumne 1 - from previsou ballots , significanyy revised the document/loock an dfeel, more in line with PASS ACS in terms of the viewpoints taken. It's simplified from previous verison, more iemphasis on the requirements on the different services, the services and that are described are simplied, precise, we were concerned with respet to the requirments to not add new requiments to exicisting servides. which meant that we developed new necessaryservices with well defined requirements with what those services were supposed to accomplish. we incorporated the model from PASS ACES (which does have a model for trust framework) we mapped the services to the capabilities in TF dula/both ways for clarity, includesa number of diagram for clarity.
- did address Bernds'c omemnt sdiscussed at last WGM
- the document is much more mature from previsou four information ballots
- in package for v3 ballot, looks good will be able to build for FHIR v3 ballot
- Chapter 1,2,3 where in Chapter 2 had 2 volumes which did not represent the follow
now have volume 1 - conceptual mode volume 2 - behavioral model (may have some vocab harmonization to be done)
PSAF weekly meeting cancelled? YES (call was intended to do ballo prep); or place on hold for ballot reconciliation
WE Intend to the the mapping review
email sent ot
- two new FHIR chat ZULIP Chat - dedicated streams
- made by grahame to promote patient access - intent to deal with more hiher level patient empowerment areas which includes how they interact w consent - more policy, deployment side that he wants to promote in that stream
- more spec-based, more implementation, privacy and security stream;
John received a lot of comments about creating the dedicated streams - due to volume of information in zuLIP - this is a way to just talk about security/rpivcacy, specification, implementation - this is the stream youwant to use a thread for each stream has been brought up -
eLTSS Project - ONC contract supporting Iriing on Georgia project
- hopes to be sending an updated PSS to reflect , O&O has decided to engage as aninterested party
- we have a face to face meeting with Georgia team in Atlanta and the other involved states in the initision CT, CO, MN, met for a day a half, reviewing trackers, issues, working with the associated WGs for those resources as part of our nedt step
- patienc care trackers are being worked on,
- ireiina dn team are doing a good job responding to the trackers, keeping updates
- targeting September ballot (doing work toward a white paper
Meeting adjorned (Jim/Suzanne): 0952 Arizona Time