Patient Administration Call
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PA Work Group Conference Call
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Meeting Information
PA Work Group Conference Call
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Date: Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Time: 12:00 PM (US Pacific Time, GMT -7)
Quorum Met (Chair+2, Yes/No)? Yes
Brian Postlethwaite
Brian Postlethwaite
Brian Postlethwaite
Telstra Health, AU
Joe Quinn
Iryna Roy
Gevity, Canada
Cooper Thompson
Epic, US
Daniel Chaput
Agenda Topics
- Ballot update – focus on work remaining to be done
- Tracker Issues – Ballot(s), new ones on Patient 17462, 17472
- NIB for Patient
- NIB for VhDir
"Since the for comment ballot the core resource definitions, profiles and other artifacts have been further developed from the incomplete conceptual drafts that were presented."
- 16 trackers are in status “resolved, change required”
ProductPlan -> InsurancePlan resource rename
- Patient Tracker issues (requiring re-ballot of R4 patient – limited to this scope, and previous ballot pool from May18)
Recommend that this is persuasive as was from the Vocab cleaning up some requested content.
Patient contact role extensible binding with “other” code in the bound terminology – which is invalid
Recommend that this is persuasive and that we remove the code from the valueset definition in FHIR.
- Tracker 16039 on patient match operation – persuasive, but should we remove the link, as that’s going to continually change?
- Work on 16041, 17362
- Brian recommends not persuasive trackers:
15895, 16230, 16040,
- If have time look at 15588 and 15841
- Resources that have changes to be applied Account, Appointment, Person, Endpoint, Practitioner, Location, Patient & Invoice
Supporting Documents
The VHDIR IG is to be balloted as an STU in the September ballot cycle.
Motion Iryna Roy/Daniel Chaput 3/0/0
"Since the for comment ballot the core resource definitions, profiles and other artifacts have been further developed from the incomplete conceptual drafts that were presented."
Action Item: Line has agreed to complete the NIB with these details
ProductPlan -> InsurancePlan resource rename
This rename was requested by FMG to further clarify the meaning to be more specific as to its scope. Its use in the directory implementation guide (the original use case) fits this requirement, so makes sense. Some members of FMG thought that a ProductPlan resource could be describing things like medications, which this isn’t, its purely insurance.
Motion by Daniel Chaput/Iryna Roy 4/0/0
Recommend that this is persuasive as was from the Vocab cleaning up some requested content.
Reviewing the current valueset in the CI build looks like the change hasn’t been made to the terminology, so need to check that its going to be done.
Motion by Cooper Thompson/Iryna Roy 4-0-0 passed
Patient contact role extensible binding with “other” code in the bound terminology – which is invalid
Recommend that this is persuasive and that we remove the code from the valueset definition in FHIR.
Motion by Cooper Thompson/Iryna Roy 4/0/0 passed
Also note that tracker 15935 marks the removal of the Patient Match, and Everything operations from normative status
Due to these trackers, Patient does indeed need to be re-balloted with the limited scope of these changes (removal of operations from normative status, and patient vocab issues) and to the same ballot pool from the May ballot (NIB is done through FMG)
Motion by Cooper Thompson/Daniel Chaput 4/0/0 passed
Action Item: Brian will report this to FMG to preceed the NIB
Tracker 16039 Update reference to DAF to be US Core
Motion by Cooper Thompson/Iryna Roy 4/0/0 passed
Tracker 16041 to include a reference to the resource IDs section on resource.html
Motion by Cooper Thompson/Iryna Roy 4-0-0 passed
Calls have been updated to a weekly schedule while we get the sept ballot content processed.
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
- Next telecom meeting: Wednesday 18. July 2018
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