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20170725 US Realm SC Call

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US Realm Steering Committee Call Agenda/Minutes


Date: 2017-07-25
Time: 1 PM Eastern
Co-Chairs Ed/Brett Note taker(s) Anne
Attendee / Name
Calvin Beebe Keith Boone Hans Buitendijk
x Lorraine Constable Johnathan Coleman Regrets Ed Hammond
x Tony Julian x Paul Knapp x Austin Kreisler
x Brett Marquard Ken McCaslin Nancy Orvis
x Brian Pech Wayne Kubick x Christol Green
Regrets Sandra Stuart . Pat Van Dyke x Craig Parker
x Danielle Friend . Eric Haas . Jenni Syed
Regrets Steve Posnak . David Susanto .
Visitor/ Name
x Michael Brody
Quorum: Chair + 7




  • Agenda review
  • Review notes from 20170613_US_Realm_SC_Call
    • MOTION to accept: Tony/Austin
    • VOTE: Craig abstains; remaining in favor
  • Action Items
    • Hans to bring back results from OO discussion on the Eye Care PSS regarding US vs. Universal Realm
      • Open questions resolved. Hans out today. Austin reports his issues have been addressed. Can be removed from agenda.
  • Review Items
    • Podiatry Profile of EHR-S Functional Model
      • Dr. Michael Brody describes project. Austin suggests adding in the scope that the practice of podiatry is different in the US than in other parts of the world; that is why this is US Realm. In the US, a podiatrist can write prescriptions, go into the operating room, has hospital privileges; in other countries, these are not a given. US is most permissive. This is a superset of what would apply internationally. Discussion over broadening it in the future beyond US Realm. Not an issue to hold up approval. Tony advises to add boxes for each cosponsor. Michael will update. Also will update document repository location.
        • MOTION to approve: Tony/Paul
        • VOTE: All in favor
  • Adjourned

Meeting Outcomes

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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