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20170207 US Realm SC Call

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US Realm Steering Committee Call Agenda/Minutes


Date: 2017-02-07
Time: 1 PM Eastern
Co-Chairs Ed/Brett Note taker(s) Anne
Attendee / Name
Calvin Beebe Keith Boone x Hans Buitendijk
x Lorraine Constable x Johnathan Coleman x Ed Hammond
x Tony Julian x Paul Knapp Regrets Austin Kreisler
x Brett Marquard Ken McCaslin x Nancy Orvis
Brian Pech x Wayne Kubick Mark Roche
x Sandra Stuart . Pat Van Dyke x Anne Wizauer
x Danielle Friend x Eric Haas Regrets Jenni Syed
x Steve Posnak . David Susanto x Craig Parker
x Christol Green . .
Visitor/ Name
x Ioana Signureanu x Jay Lyle x John Roberts
no quorum definition




  • Review of any outstanding issues


  • Agenda review
  • Review notes from 20170131_US_Realm_SC_Call
  • Action Items
  • Review Items:
    • Cross-Paradigm Implementation Guidance for Medical Device Data Sharing with Enterprise Health Systems
      • Ioana reviews with the group. Discussion over why the DAM is US Realm - some difficulty getting US specific requirements adapted and well understood. Want to illustrate how the DAM requirements are represented in US IGs. Lorraine notes that this is primarily looking at DCMs and not our usual definition of a DAM. Ioana notes that today they would likely be CIMI models; the DAM was a way to organize them. Next step is to illustrate how the requirements are manifested as profiles. Ed: Doesn't see anything particularly US. What would you do if there was international interest? Ioana: We would welcome international interest, but we would like to define semantic constraints that respond to US regulatory requirements. Some things would be unconstrained at the international level. Lorraine suggests that, as they put the artifacts together, that part is universal; then as they get down to the DCMs they become much more US specific. Ioana proposes putting them in different sections.
        • MOTION to approve: Lorraine/Sandy
        • VOTE: All in favor
    • Trauma Registry Data Submission CDA Implementation Guide CDA R2
      • Jay Lyle reviews project with group.
        • MOTION to approve: Lorraine/Johnathan
        • VOTE: Danielle abstains. Remaining in favor.


  • Brett displays most recent version of US Core presentation. Made edits to US Realm definition to include US Core. No goal to create new WG to deal with US Core; just a subgroup beneath US Realm. Ed notes two issues:
    • 1) concerns of people who wanted to change/add some of the items in the US Core. How do we deal with those? Brett: One idea is that the subgroup proposes a process for adding. Ed is concerned that a subgroup dilutes the representation of the perspectives of the group but is okay as long as proposed processes and changes come back to the larger group for review and approval.
    • 2) One thing being discussed in international council is that the WGs are dominated by US. Question was raised whether CDA WG (Structured Documents) should be under US Realm. Wayne notes that a project focus rather than a WG focus is preferable. Steve Posnack: How we approach adding stuff to US Core - they should be applicable to many use cases and would lead to consistent reuse. If we put new elements into US Core, would it add to or enable more consistent implementation for that element across other specifications? Ed: What does it mean to be an element in US Core? Another question is that there is no direct relationship between the resources and the data elements defined in the US Core. Need to make sure all of the elements are represented in resources. Discussion whether it should be exclusive or inclusive.
      • ACTION: Anne to invite Floyd to next week's meeting

Meeting Outcomes

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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