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2017-07-12 Conference Call minutes

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Back to: Care Plan Conference calls: schedule and Minutes - from May 2017


  • Harmonization CP DAM with CCDA/FHIR (Laura will be traveling. Emma will run the webex. Stephen will host the call)


  • Stephen
  • Emma Jones
  • Michael Padula
  • Dave Carflson

Meeting Notes:

  • Review of high level mapping on Child Health (Special Needs) Use Case 1 to FHIR Resources and C-CDA document, section and entry templates
- Discussions on level of details mapping required for create FHIR and C-CDA examples, and for use at FHIR technical connectathon and clinician-on-FHIR event
- Decision: Mike Padula to review Use Case 1 contents on wiki and to include more clinical content details where appropriate
~ Emma to take revised contents on wiki to do detail mapping for further discussion at next conference call (Note - Emma is not able to join the next call)
  • Review of Care Plan DAM content -> FHIR Care Plan -> C-CDA Care Plan templates mapping
- Discussion: the mapping this far reveals considerable amount of discrepancies between Care Plan DAM logical model contents and FHIR CarePlan STU3 resource
- Question on utility of continue the path of more mapping at detail level
- Suggestion: to pull the mapping back to high level constructs in the Care Plan DAM model, with focus on important constructs identified in the Care Plan DAM, e.g. Health Risk, Preference, Barrier ...
~ Stephen to do the high level mapping on a new tab in the spreadsheet for further discussion at next conference call
~ To schedule a session at the September WGM to discuss key issues identified and decide way forward\