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2017-03-23 CIMI Telecom Minutes

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<<< Pending Approval >>>
  • 2017 Minutes:
  • Screen Sharing & Telecom Information: IHTSDO has generously provided a GoToMeeting connection for CIMI use.
  • Co-Chairs: Stan Huff, Linda Bird, Galen Mulrooney, Richard Esmond; where, quorum requires 2 co-chairs
  • REQUESTED ACTION: Directly edit this WIKI page or send your feedback to with your comments, questions, suggested updates.


Linda Bird, Bruce Bray, Linda Buhl, Joey Coyle, Gary Dickinson, John Donally, Richard Esmond, Bret Heale, Stan Huff, Steve Hufnagel, Mario Hyland, Mark Kramer, Patrick Langford, Joe Lamy, Jay Lyle, Chris Macintosh, Susan Matney, Chris Melo, Galen Mulrooney, Claude Nanjo, Brian Pech Craig Parker, Serafina Versaggi.

Highlighted names were in attendance.

Executive Summary

  1. Susan reported that Wound Assessment requirements are done
    1. Wound panel being presented at LOINC next week.
    2. SOLOR developers reviewing skin assessment terminology spreadsheet next Monday.
  2. Patrick reported OpenCIMI web-site CIMI-browser update to show mind-maps
    1. CIMI-browser can walk the model hierarchy and enter at any level
  3. Claude and Galen have been meeting for last three weeks. FHIM will be updated in March.
  4. Ballot submission plan
    1. Claude's focusing on modelling and BMM tooling; them, working on Style guide, Wound Archetypes, reconcile Jan 2017 Ballot comments.
    2. Stan working on marketing pitch next week,
    3. Action (Stan): Update spread sheet.
    4. Mar 26 - final May Ballot submission
  5. ACTION (Jay): Refined CIMI process for CIC
  6. Decision (Claude) - descope wiki page generation tool
  7. Status (Richard, Graham, Claude) BMM to FHIR profiles to be done after we submit
  8. Action (Richard) - Assemble final pieces for ballot
    1. Claude's bandwidth reduced at end of March
  9. Viet Nguyen, Stan, Graham discussed FHIR managing group negative comments
    1. Graham requested CIMI to review Argonauts profiles for vital-signs (attributes, terminology-binding and value-set bindings)to demonstrate CIMI value.
    2. Richard: Argonaut profiles are small, using coded text and enumerated values; but, not terminology.
    3. Mario - Argonauts 1.0 implementation guide are working against DSTU2; not, STU3. 90% of organizations are working against DSRU3. DSTU2 and STU3 value sets are different ... Argonauts seem to want to stay with old approach.
    4. Mark - US Core is Argonauts on STU3
    5. Claude - QI Core is being developed against STU3
    6. Stan - we are doing logical models, which focus on clinical content ... LOINC codes, devices. We are not committing to mappings; but, attributes and terminology and value-set bindings.
    7. Craig - we need to have a purpose ... maturity, validity
    8. Galen: V2, V3, CDA, MU variations in terminology and value sets. CIMI needs super-set value-set. We need to push for consistency at HL7.
    9. Claude: CIMI logical models lead to consistency as seen in QI Core and US Core.
    10. Galen: CIMI needs to support (Mario's) test driven development
    11. Stan's goal to move people to one profiles by ask why profiles are different. We express CIMI preferred model as a lever to move people together. We need to specify LOINC or SNOMED bindings and bring them back to the group for change current and/or future versions.
    12. we need a process, with a feedback to correct their models because resources are owned by appropriate workgroups.
    13. Stan - we are irrelevant without providing feedback to people doing the work and to us on the drivers, such as MU.
    14. Galen - non-clinical workgroups do not understand the consequences of their actions.
    15. Patrick: we need to define principles, so other workgroups can do it right the first-time-around.
    16. Richard: stay harmonized with CMI, CQS and CIMI
    17. Claude: we need to have discussions with WGs, such as Pharmacy and PC to get feedback and evangelize.
    18. Stan: Goal is to allocate time to review other profiles
    19. 1:16:00 APPROVED VOTE: Group launches an effort to review Argonauts profiles and invite interested stakeholders. Vitals is focus.
      1. Richard suggest other call to include others, such as Ken Kawamoto
      2. Linda suggested including TermInfo group (Rob Hausam POC)
      3. Susan stated we need to build CIMI models for the profiles (in parallel; but, informed by the Argonauts' profiles).
      4. Linda - CIMI looked at heart rate in the past.
      5. Stan - good to have some results by May for joint meetings.
      6. Galen - cautious about doing this in April and May ... need Vital Signs Archetypes before we can do terminology.
      7. Claude - good to do; but, too much to do currently.
      8. Action (Richard): one page SOW document (how) ... work after May. Draft out on listserve by end of weekend.
      9. Action (Susan): share previous vital signs document.

Minutes (Annotated Agenda)

Annotated Figures

This was the last meeting before submitting the May ballot materials. Rather than duplicate ballot content, see the ballot materials at: