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2016 04 12 Minutes - CDA R2.1 Project

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Meeting with Vocabulary - Value Set Binding team

  • wiki page: Binding Syntax
  • Exception Status
    •  NEA: Coding No Exceptions Allowed
    • CEA: Coding with Exceptions Allowed
    • Value Set Binding: in base standard ____________________ Value Sets in IG’s are
    • Fixed – not varying / stable membership _________________ (no more or less)
    • Closed –cannot be extended to include new members. ______ (less, but no more)
    • Extend – able to enlarge scope with new members. ________ (more, but no less)
    • Open – members may come and go _____________________ (more or less anything)
    • CONCEPT DOMAIN – general guidance on expected codes (examples), but no value set binding.