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20161004 US Realm SC Call

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US Realm Steering Committee Call Agenda/Minutes

Location: 929-752-237

Date: 2016-10-04
Time: 1 PM Eastern
Co-Chairs Ed/Brett Note taker(s) Anne
Attendee / Name
Calvin Beebe Keith Boone x Hans Buitendijk
Regrets Lorraine Constable x Johnathan Coleman x Ed Hammond
Tony Julian x Paul Knapp x Austin Kreisler
x Brett Marquard Ken McCaslin Nancy Orvis
x Brian Pech x Wayne Kubick Mark Roche
Regrets Sandra Stuart . Pat Van Dyke x Anne Wizauer
Danielle Friend x Eric Haas x Jenni Syed
x Steve Posnak . David Susanto x Craig Parker
Abdul-Malik Shakur Christol Green Floyd Eisenberg
no quorum definition




  • Long-term home for US-core


  • Called to order at 1:03
  • Review Items
    • Vital Records Domain Analysis Model Update
      • Abdul-Malik Shakir here to review. Describes project.
      • Ed: What is the difference between US and international for this? No direct involvement from international community. Some differences are that it's primarily focused on the US and the national set of vital statistics. One guide was IHE and was adopted in Europe. If resources become available, we may revisit and make it international. Ed asks if any outreach had been done.
      • MOTION to approve: Hans/Calvin
      • VOTE: All in favor
    • CQL-based HQMF Implementation Guide
      • Floyd Eisenberg here to review. Describes project. Ed asks him to update 6a.
      • MOTION to approve: Hans/Austin
      • VOTE: All in favor
    • QDM-based Health Quality Measure Format
      • Floyd reviews/describes to group. Ed asks him to update 6a on this PSS as well.
      • MOTION to approve: Austin/Hans
  • Discussion
    • Long-term home for US-core: Brett reminds group that we voted to update the name of DAF Core to US-Core at the WGM.
    • Johnathan: Does it have to lie within a WG or can it lie within a Steering Division? Ed: It's new territory and we can make decisions/suggestions as to how we think this should be managed. The repository that the FHIR Foundation is creating could be a place that makes sense. If we have a separate repository and registry there may be duplication in the development of extensions. We may want to put a tag that identifies the status of an extension as to the owner of that. Steering Division could identify the appropriate people to manage.
    • Hans: Same conclusion for different reasons. The key is that the US realm steering committee is a pseudo-affiliate in many ways; anything that is done should be coordinated out of it. USRSC is the right place to own US-Core, and should start working in some ways like a WG and work with the other WGs.
    • Johnathan: I agree; US Realm Steering Committee should be the keeper of these things but need to be mindful that other FHIR-related things that are US will need a home as well. We should be cognizant that there will be updates needed to these specifications and we should assist the WGs.
    • Craig: During the last WGM, the CIMI WG decided that their profiles will be aligned with US-core in the future and are interested in seeing it move forward and would be happy to play a role hosting/supporting.
    • Wayne: We don't want a SD doing WG work, so is supportive of what has been said.
    • Floyd: What about the DAF use for research? Brett: Not part of US-core. Hans: We should coordinate with FHIR-I on it. Johnathan: The DAF research piece doesn't seem to fit right now, but we should keep an eye on it as it advances in the future. Hans: Should be managed the same way as any other group of resources/extensions. Decision to put aside the conversation for today on what else should be managed by USRSC and focus on US-Core; conversation will be ongoing on what to add.
    • MOTION that US-Core profiles will be stewarded by USRSC: Brett/Johnathan
      • Hans: As we communicate this forward to executive committee, we should also reach out to TSC.
      • ACTION: Wayne to communicate to TSC
      • Paul: What does ownership mean? Developing domain content? Brett: By steward I meant that someone with ideas on enhancements/future development would first come to this group and then the work would be handed off. Ed agrees that is the same concept to what we've been doing. Paul: If someone comes forward do we say not to them doing the work? Ed: The answer remains to be seen. If we get something that's clearly out of scope we'd push it back, or make suggestions for refinements.
      • Eric asks if steward is the correct word. Steve: There will be a need in the future to provide active curation to provide industry consistency. Floyd: If something might be considered as future US-core, wouldn't it be up to this group to recommend when they come in as projects to include appropriate other groups to address broader content? Ed: We are doing that already. We will re-examine this continually.
      • Paul: four key activities - developing specs, balloting, revising, and adopting specificiations. This group handles the latter two, not the first two.
    • REVISED MOTION: The US Realm Steering Committee accepts stewardship and curation of the US-Core profiles; in that role we will collaborate with the appropriate WGs to establish and maintain a single set of US-Core profiles: Hans/Johnathan
    • VOTE: all in favor
  • Adjourned at 1:52 pm Eastern

Meeting Outcomes

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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