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20160126 US Realm SC Call

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US Realm Steering Committee Call Agenda/Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#

Date: 2016-01-26
Time: 1 PM Eastern
Co-Chairs Ed/Ken Note taker(s) Anne
Attendee / Name
Calvin Beebe Keith Boone x Hans Buitendijk
x Lorraine Constable Johnathan Coleman x Ed Hammond
Tony Julian Paul Knapp x Austin Kreisler
x Brett Marquard Ken McCaslin Nancy Orvis
Brian Pech John Quinn Mark Roche
Sandra Stuart . Pat Van Dyke x Anne Wizauer
Visitor / Name
x Bryn Rhodes
no quorum definition



  • Agenda review
  • Review notes from 2016-01-14_USRSC_WGM_Agenda
  • Action Items
  • Approval Items
  • Discussion topics/Strategic topics (including those brought forth at WGM):
    • Integrating US Realm and ONC activities into the international community (carryover from WGM; decided to wait until Ed could be present)
    • Lack of knowledge of external projects
    • Progress on ONC education session
    • US Affiliate – is it a strategic goal?
    • Managing the FHIR tsunami
    • With the advent of direct US funding of activities within HL7, should those issues be coming through the USRSC (such as Argonaut)


  • Bryn Rhodes here to discuss FHIR-Based quality framework (CQF on FHIR)
    • Explains why this project merged from two separate projects
    • Ed: So CDS was international and CQI was US - shouldn't this be international? Bryn: yes, we're just saying this is how you represent knowledge artifacts within FHIR and return the results of a quality measure. US Realm specific aspect had to do with the QDM and HQMF but we're broadening, so should be universal realm. The purpose of this coming to US Realm is to inform.
    • Brett asks if Bryn has reached out to Josh Mandel for guidance. Recommendation to go back to him and FHIR Infrastructure as a whole.
    • Coordination with others around content is being done in the more logical model area; they're focused on how to represent the containers and the logic.
    • Lorraine requests bringing back the info to OO as a potential cosponsor or interested party. Bryn agrees to do so.
  • Integrating US Realm and ONC activities: We have scheduled at the International Council meeting on Sunday a presentation by ONC; they will talk about 4 or 5 different ONC activities that relate to HL7 and the international community. Austin: that's for Montreal? Ed: yes, and there may be a followup in Baltimore depending on interest. Ed encourages participation.
  • Lack of knowledge of external projects: It appears we are moving forward with something that is going to be called the FHIR Foundation, which will specifically be targeted as a component of HL7 that is used to house some of the external activities, including Argonaut and two projects from the ONC. Money will come into the Foundation to fund implementation. IHE is doing their own FHIR standards with some degree of cooperation with HL7; other groups are trying to get endorsements. A lot of discussions going on to define what the level of responsibility that HL7 has. It helps us broaden our reach but we risk losing a lot of the management of FHIR that is necessary to keep it as an HL7 standard.
    • Austin: broader than just FHIR; FHIR is a big part of it, but the issue is broader. Ed: We need a policy of working together but not letting everybody run off in all directions. Austin: ONC funding will be funneled to FHIR Foundation - is that for FHIR or CDA or both? Ed: it's both. Austin: So it's not just a FHIR Foundation, it's expanding. Ed: that's a good point and I will relate it. Maybe it should be the HL7 Foundation.
  • International Council meeting on Thursday - brought up US Affiliate. Austin: For true internationalization we have to cleanly separate US interests from HL7 International interests. Other affiliates already do that. Bulk of what is going on as US realm activities are IGs. Affiliates are doing their own equivalents of those fairly routinely. Lorraine: we need to do that; we use a lot of C-CDA in Canada because we can't separate vocabulary from structure. IGs need to be specific enough to be implementable which is why people are creating their own in each realm. Ed: we should never worry about where things start if they are sharable. US has more realms than the world has countries, and trying to get harmonization across those groups is the same kind of challenge. To me we must start with a comprehensive IG and then constrain it down. Lorraine: we also need to look at the relationship between HL7 International and the affiliates; affiliates can't nominate and vote for board positions, etc. Ed: that is recognized and being discussed. When we first created the rules there were fewer affiliates. Also the international community is more than Europe and Canada and we need to be more inclusive of others. Lorraine: there were presentations in Sydney on HL7 implementations all over the world that we are unaware of and never see. Austin: a US affiliate would recast how HL7 operates. Ed: we're going to go to the full membership for feedback on the topic to get some idea of what they would really like to see.
  • Hans: has anyone from ONC gotten back to Paul regarding additional fields in UDI? No one has heard anything. Anne to add to next week's agenda.
  • Adjourned at 1:36 Eastern.

Meeting Outcomes

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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