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2016-12-16PC CIMI POC Call Minutes

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Minutes Template

Meeting Information

HL7 PC-CIMI-POC Meeting Minutes

Location: Phone

Date: 2016-12-16
Time: 10:00-11:00 ET
Facilitator Jay Lyle Note taker(s) Jay Lyle
Attendee Name Affiliation

Richard Esmond PenRad
Galen Mulrooney JP Systems
y Jay Lyle JP Systems / VA
Harold Solbrig Mayo
y Susan Matney Intermountain
y Joey Coyle
y Gay Dolin
y Ash Davison Intermountain
Laura Heerman Langford Intermountain
Claude Nanjo
Rob McClure


Agenda Topics

  1. ballot review


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  • Ballot is intimidating. We need to do a better job of leading with a value proposition & helping readers navigate.
  • Is it possible to reduce the interoperability scope (re-inventing infrastructure, provenance, etc.) to focus on clinical semantic scope (derivation of computable rules)? Can we identify a set of rules we can use to draw that scope?
  • Review of Wound class
    • Should follow LOINC panel: gap analysis for next week
    • Wound kind concept seems to be missing. Could be "Name," inherited from Assertion, but there's no semantic constraint.
    • Dressing should not be contained by Wound
    • size: should be multiple, not 0..1
    • Some properties have an 'existence' implication. Should we create assertions for them or evaluations, or leave it implicit?
      • If it's modeled, we don't want absence to be potentially implicit.
      • To make it explicit and predictable, we need it to be an evaluation.
      • Proposed principle: if it's in a LOINC panel, it's an evaluation, not an assertion.
      • In some cases, a significant fact may be a facet of a normal phenomenon. Wound exudate odor, for instance, might have an answer value set that includes "normal" (rather than having to assert "absent" or distinguish between "absent" and "healthy").

Meeting Outcomes

  • LOINC gap analysis for Wound
  • SCT gap analysis for Wound
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • Review CIMI Wound gap analysis

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