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2016-03-15 PVC CIMI-POC Call Minutes

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Minutes Template

Meeting Information

HL7 PC-CIMI-POC Meeting Minutes

Location: PC call line

Date: 2016-03-01
Time: 15:00-16:00 ET
Facilitator Jay Lyle Note taker(s) Jay Lyle
Attendee Name Affiliation

Richard Esmond PenRad
Galen Mulrooney JP Systems
Jay Lyle JP Systems / VA
Harold Solbrig Mayo
David Sheilds University of Utah
Quorum Requirements Met: (yes/No)


Agenda Topics

  1. Agenda review and approval
  2. Confirmation of plan on wiki
  3. Selection of initial modeling targets
  4. Review of tools


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  1. (pre-meeting: radiology negation approach. Boilerplate of all the things you'd see in a modality, all normal. Reader deletes any normal items to record abnormal findings.
  2. Agree on agenda
  3. Agree on plan
  4. Agree on initial targets
  5. Tooling:
    1. Richard is developing some now.
    2. Harold may use a text editor. ADL workbench may be the best for novices. Jay to ask Tom Beale.
    3. If the analysis model is in UML, it may be possible to simply convert. Even if we need to refactor the analysis model for design assumptions, a nice first step.
  6. Harold interested in modeling. Richard possible. Jay possible.

Meeting Outcomes

  • Look into tooling options
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • Review DAM
  • Define scope of first iteration
  • Identify attendees interested in parallel modeling (to test variability in process)

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