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2015 02 27 Minutes - CDA R2.1 Project

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  • Austin Kreisler
  • Benjamin Flessner
  • Calvin Beebe
  • Vinayak - Cerner (VK)
  • Brett Marquard
  • Andy Stechishin

Minutes / Notes

  1. Current Agenda
    1. Discussion on pilot using WIKI for CDA R2.1 editing
      1. Andy - from a formal methodology - tried to do things by the book, using PubDB and the full generation process. Me may need to go to M&M to get some blessing from them. Austin - does not disagree. Bring it up at Harmonization to see if they have any concerns or issues.
      2. Andy - A hand maintained XML file Pub XML file. It could be moved to the WIKI, need to be careful about it.
        Concept - a series of pages on the wiki
        A way to organizing - references might be problematic
        It should be possible to fix links
        Take the wiki pages and convert into Pub MIF
        Looks feasible for the CDA R2.1
      3. Implementation Guides - The process of converting the WIKI pages into the Pub MIF
        Austin - the CDA R2.0 is protected IP
        Another WIKI site - authors would go in.
        The TSC wiki site - is locked down to TSC members
        Pilot a project to do this
        Request permission TSC to let a small group have access to try this idea.
        The source format for this document is PUB XML
        We had using Word documents - for the editing content
        Control of the IP
        Setup a project to move forward with editing on the wiki for the CDA R2.1 project.
        M&M - need to look at - design files
        Publishing - Co-sponsor include Andy
        Electronic & Tooling Services - Co-sponsor
        Add Pete Gilbert or another publishing facilitator - Jeff Brown? - tooling
        RMIM Designer - ??
        The current schema generator will introduce non-backwards capability.
        It is likely a hand edit on the schema - will be needed to discussed w/ M&M
        Using the generator will not provide backwards compatibility.
        May need to discuss with M&M and make sure it is ok
        Release 2.1 schema should consider as revisions
        Schema revisions proposed in for CDA R2. 0 should be considered in CDA R2.1
        CDA R2.1 - may need to look at some of the extensions proposed on CDA R2.0
        11 AM - eastern calls
    2. Open topic
  2. Future Agenda
    1. RIM Harmonization - incorporating newer RIM vocabularies in RIM 2.07