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20151006 Inm WGM Agenda

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InM Atlanta 2015 WGM agenda

  1. Monday
    1. Q3 Joining OO Hosting /FHIR/FM/M&M/PA/PC/PHARM/SOA
    2. Q4 Joining OO Hosting /FHIR/FM/M&M/PA/PC/PHARM/SOA
  2. Tuesday - Georgia 7
    1. Q1 - V2
      1. Proposal 839 Inclusion of NTE in ADT Messages
      2. MOTION: To allow CCOW to expire as an ANSI standard.
        1. Rationale: Negative major against the reaffirmation from John Moehrke from GE Healthcare with the comment:"Comment: The participants have stopped participating, and the marketplace has stopped. I recommend we deprecate this standard as an indication to the community that there is no-longer active participation, and no-longer availability of the critical software actors (Context Managers). Further approval of this standard is ignoring the market reality."
    2. Q2 - Joint with ITS
    3. Q3 - Joint with CGIT
      1. Separate chapter 2B from the "main" standard. Have the latest conformance "model" apply to any HL7 v2.x version. A PSS is coming.
      2. Replace CE, CNE, CWE, IS, ID with a simple coded element and a complex coded element datatypes (this was introduced to InM in January).
    4. Q4 - Joint with FMG/ITS
  3. Wednesday
    1. Q4 - Hosting VOCAB
  4. Thursday
    1. Q1 joint with VOCAB/CGIT
      1. DAF profiles PSS
      2. Replace CE, CNE, CWE, CF with a single complex data type
      3. Replace ID, IS with a simple coded element.
      4. for the successor to v2.9 according to the approved V2 deprecation process.