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20150523 FGB concall

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HL7 TSC FGB Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#
GoToMeeting ID: 136-494-157

Date: 2016-05-23
Time: 4:00 PM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator: Note taker(s): Anne W.
Quorum = Chair plus 2 yes/no
Co-Chair/CTO Members
Woody Beeler Lorraine Constable x Grahame Grieve David Hay
x Dave Shaver x Ewout Kramer Cecil Lynch (ArB) x Lloyd McKenzie (FMG)
Wayne Kubick . Calvin Beebe
x Anne W., scribe


  • Roll call -
  • Agenda Review
  • Approve minutes of 2016-05-10_FGB_WGM_Agenda
  • Action Item review:
    • Lorraine to take issue of Zulip to TSC
    • Grahame to socialize Custom Resource policy with FMG and community at large
  • Discussion items
  • FMG update -
  • Methodology update-
  • Review precepts, associated governance points and risks
  • Next steps: Define and Resource other Governance processes.


  • Agenda Review
    • Add custom resource discussion
  • Approve minutes of 2016-05-10_FGB_WGM_Agenda
    • Approved via general consent
  • Action Item review:
    • Lorraine to take issue of Zulip to TSC
    • Anne reports that there was a motion by TSC that we don't want to expand Zulip to other groups until we have a project scope put together to determine what the tool should be moving forward. Group decides to leave things be at this point.
    • Grahame to socialize Custom Resource policy with FMG and community at large
      • Was socialized; discussions continue. Remove from action items.
  • Discussion items
    • Previously approved to sponsor FHIR Repository Project; SGB recommended that FMG sponsor and FMG has approved.
      • Group agrees that FMG sponsorship is fine. FGB remains cosponsor
    • Custom Resource policy
      • Group reviews. Socialized extensively with FMG and FHIR Community as a whole and key stakeholders likely to be affected. Talked to CIMI, HSPC, other government stakeholder. Trimmed in response to comments. Made two changes around the topic of conformance. Would like FGB to endorse the policy and refer to FMG for implementation. Dave suggests emailing it out to the group to say that those that were on the call today were in favor but wants to loop others in who were not present.
        • ACTION: Dave will send out via email to the group for feedback.
  • FMG update -
    • Talked about PSS to test out gforge alternative. Paul indicated TSC thinks this is an information gathering exercise with no authorization to make a change. However, they did approve the PSS this morning. Approved several other PSSes including repository requirements and DAF phase 3. Talked more about reaching out to implementers regarding what we need implemented. Dave asks when we might be able to switch to something else after the evaluation of JIRA. Lloyd responds that evaluation should be within a month; not sure when a switch might occur. Opinions are diverse. Ewout reports that several WGs expressed concern about switching for ballot. Wonders what this group's preference is. Lloyd is nervous about trying to switch before ballot. Moving everything, training everybody, and it will happen during the summer when people are working on content. Would like to see the energy being expended upon getting content finished. Waiting until after the release comes out may be more reasonable.
  • Adjourned at 4:38 pm Eastern

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
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