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2015-08-24 Rx Conf Call

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  • Melva Peters (Chair)
  • Marla Albitz (Scribe)
  • Scott Roberston
  • John Hatem
  • Chris Nickerson
  • Jose Costa T.

FHIR Ballot Reconciliation (PRIORITY ITEM)

  • Regarding FHIR Assignment updates - Ric and Chris have been updating the assignments as they are completed in gForge.
  • Update from Chris N - Continues to work through his assigned items, 24 left to complete.
Action: Melva and John to close and mark as 'completed' all gForge items that have been completed and no further action needed.

Vote for GForge item #7641: Motion to resolution of "consider for future use" Motion: Marla, Second John 5:0:0.

Vote for GForge item #7747 Motion to resolution of "consider for future use" Motion: John, Second Jose 5:0:0.

Vote for GForge item #6936 Motion to resolution of "not persuasive" Motion: Marla, Second John 5:0:0.

Medication Order Status Change reason items

  • WG call attendees agreed to 'defer' the status change reason gforge items. Items

Vote to defer and consider for future use 8378, 8276, 5912 and to back out 5912. Motion Jose, Second John 5:0:0.

Action: Chris to determine if we can back out a completed GForge item.

MedicationPrescription vs MedicationOrder (PRIORITY ITEM)

  • The Medication Prescription was renamed Medication Order. One follow up based on some listserv and email discussions was a suggestion to update the definition for Medication Order. John Hatem has proposed some updates to this definition that will be discussed at our next meeting.


  • Michelle Miller inquired as to whether the timing and dosage examples were reviewed. Tom and John responded to her.
Action: John to follow-up with Michelle and copy Tom.

ARB Project

  • Update from John 8/24 - the meeting focused on the creation of project specific deliverables including the creation of use cases, identifying the users of the project deliverables, tooling.

Status on 2 Unpublished ballots - Scott

  • Update from Scott - Scott is not receiving responses to his emails. John will start the formal withdrawal process since no response has been received.

NCPDP Implementation Guidance - Ballot Reconciliation DEFERRED

Completed Action Item: Scott will post ballot reconciliation spreadsheet
Completed Action item: Scott to send a note to Karen re: publication Update - Scott sending email 7/6, today
Action:  8/17 update - email update from Scott - "I have all of the old ballot items in the works. Still pending negative withdrawals".


Next meeting

  • August 31, 2015