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2015-04-20 Rx Conf Call

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  • John Hatem (Chair)
  • Tim McNeill
  • John Hatem
  • Marla Albitz (Scribe)


  • DSTU 2 is now available for review and ballot comments
    • Marla A will document HL7 v2 to Pharmacy Resource mappings and document any issues in the ballot
    • Tim M and Scott R will document NCPDP to Pharmacy Resource mappings and document any issues in the ballot

List Serve

  • Medication and Medication Statement – listserv discussion – suggestion to allow the option for use of a code or a full resource. We need to make sure we address this need in all our resources.
  • Grahame Grieve – believes we need another resource in Rx. Ability to distinguish between drugs that need to be administered and another to show what has been administered. But we do not have a way to say what is yet to be administered. This seems to fall within the query service. Are the requirements for Rx queries fall within this work group?
Action: John H will get this question answered and communicate the answer via the listserv.

CCDA Template work

  • no update

Use Cases for Supply Chain


  • no update

Pharmacy Glossary

  • Action Completed: Melva created PSS.

Clinical Quality Framework Initiative - developing profiles

Action: John to determine if we should be continuing to work on this.

Next meeting

  • Next meeting: April 27, 2015