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20140624 arb minutes

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ARB - Meeting (Date in Title)


Teleconferences are held on Tuesday at 4:00pm U.S. Eastern Schedules may be found at Conference Call Center

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  1. Call to order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
  4. Management
  5. Governance
  6. Methodology (30 minutes)
    1. Conformance Definition(TSC task)
      1. Conformance: Conformance is defined as the fulfillment of a product, process, or service of specified requirements [ISO-17000, OASIS]. The concept of conformance is essential to any standard for providing an objective measure of how closely implementations satisfy the requirements defined in the standard.
      2. Tony: IMHO the TSC definition is too simplistic. It should include the requirement of conformance statements in the standard, as well as conformance assertions in the artifact claiming to be conformant.
      3. Steve:You suggested the definition is too simplistic; but fulfillment seems an elegant approach to conformance criteria = requirements-specifications. Requirements-specifications fulfillment = Requirements conformance criteria fulfillment Thoughts?
    2. SAIF-CD Review
    3. What to do about the Glossary
    4. BAM sections Review:
      1. Section 7 Business Architecture Lorraine, Bo
      2. Section 8 Implementation Lorraine
        1. Waiting on chapters 6 and 7
  7. Other business and planning
  8. Adjournment

Meeting Information

HL7 ArB Work Group Meeting Minutes

Location: Telcon

Date: 20140624
Time: 5:00pm U.S. Eastern
Facilitator Julian, Tony Note taker(s) Julian, Tony
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Bond,Andy NEHTA
X Constable, Lorraine Constable Consulting Inc.
R Curry, Jane Health Information Strategies
. Dagnall, Bo HP Enterprise Services
X Hufnagel, Steve U.S. Department of Defense, Military Health System
X Julian, Tony Mayo Clinic
. Loyd, Patrick ICode Solutions
R Lynch, Cecil Accenture
. Milosevic, Zoran Deontik Pty Ltd
. Parker, Ron CA Infoway
. Quinn, John Health Level Seven, Inc.
X Stechishin,Andy CANA Software and Service Ltd.
. Guests
. Kreisler, Austin Former HL7 TSC Chair
. Shakir, Abdul Malik City of Hope National Medical Center
. Laakso, Lynn HL7
. Legend
X Present
. Absent
R Regrets
Quorum Requirements (Co-chair + 3) Met: Yes


  1. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
    1. Motion to accept the minutes and Agenda (Andy S, Steve)
    2. Vote(3-0-1)
  2. Management
  3. Governance
  4. Methodology (30 minutes)
    1. Conformance Definition(TSC task)
      1. Conformance: Conformance is defined as the fulfillment of a product, process, or service of specified requirements [ISO-17000, OASIS]. The concept of conformance is essential to any standard for providing an objective measure of how closely implementations satisfy the requirements defined in the standard.
      2. Tony: IMHO the TSC definition is too simplistic. It should include the requirement of conformance statements in the standard, as well as conformance assertions in the artifact claiming to be conformant.
      3. Steve:You suggested the definition is too simplistic; but fulfillment seems an elegant approach to conformance criteria = requirements-specifications. Requirements-specifications fulfillment = Requirements conformance criteria fulfillment Thoughts?
      4. Steve: Definition is short and sweet. Criteria is a specification of a product requirement.
      5. Lorraine: The definition from the SAIF-CD, but we need to stick to a consistent definition.
      6. AndyB: ISO17000 has distinct definitions - related to an implementation, as opposed to compliance.
      7. Lorraine: Re-read SAIF-CD. We reference ISO17000, with further explanation. Friedas team was trying to define an implementation guide vs Standard. I prefer we take what is in the CD and excerpt to support the goal.
      8. AndyS: I worked on the group.
      9. Lorraine: Should we send our definition back.
      10. AndyS:Should go back to TSC. We brought in CGIT and NIST. The large number of the group would be happy to open for discussion in a TSC Call.
      11. Lorraine: Can I take it back?
      12. AndyS: yes.
      13. Lorraine: Would a shortened version with reference be sufficient?
      14. AndyS: yes
      15. Lorraine: People were proposing IGs that did not implement a standard.
    2. SAIF-CD Review
      1. AndyS: started, but not much further in it.
      2. Lorraine: Started with focus on ECCF: Noted typos. Nothing substantial. WIll start at the beginning. Need to be ready by July 27, so review done for call on July 17.
      3. Lorraine: SOmeone needs to review the BF.
      4. AndyS: will try to do GF and BF.
      5. Lorraine: Need to look at PIM, PISM to Conceptual, logical, physical.
      6. Tony: Will do a consistency review.
    3. What to do about the Glossary
      1. Review as part of SAIF-CD review.
    4. BAM sections Review:
      1. Section 7 Business Architecture Lorraine, Bo
        1. Lorraine: Made edits, need more work. In the management group piece, there is a charter and terms of reference. Need feedback. What is the difference?
        2. Lorraine: Ron will have time in July - I will follow up. I have a related action item around the SAIF tutorial.
      2. Section 8 Implementation Lorraine
        1. Waiting on chapters 6 and 7
  5. Other business and planning
    1. Next week: Rehash the TSC review of conformance.
    2. next week: Saif-cd Review
    3. July 17: Final SAIF-CD review for publishing
    4. July 27: Final SAIF-CD ballot content due.
  6. Adjournment
    1. Adjourned at 5:35pm U.S. Eastern

Tony Julian (talk) 21:43, 24 June 2014 (UTC)