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20140504 arb agenda
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ARB - Meeting (Date in Title)
Sunday May 4, 2014 Agenda
- Q1 - Methodology
- Lessons Learned from SAIF architecture Project
- Future of SAIF-CD
- Q2 - Saif-Cd
- PSS to take SAIF-CD Normative
- Q3 - No Meeting - Individuals will work independently and report Thursday Q4
- Q4 - No Meeting - Individuals will work independently and report Thursday Q4
- Q5 - TSC report from ArB, and new task(s) from TSC.
Thursday May 8, 2014
- Q3 - DAM ballot Reconcilation
- Q4 - BAM chapter 7 from Lorraine and Bo
- Present: Tony, Lorraine, Austin
- SAIF-IG and the SAIF architecture program.
- Tony, John Q, Austin, Lorraine, Bo
- Motion to accept PSS to take the SAIF-CD Normative.(lorraine/Ken)
- Vote (5-0-0)
- Discussed ISM.
- BAM:
- Bo will take Step 1
- Lorraine will take step 2 and fill in the tables in the document.
- product Line definition
- Product-Line Adoption Planning
- Product Line Inventory
- Logical level artifact definition
- Logical level bindings
- Implementation Guide development
- Balloting Publication and Balloting
- DSTU Testing
- External publication of Specifications
- Education and Marketing
- Artifact Versioning and Retirement (primarily controlled by ANSI et al).
- Lifecycle Process Stage
- Product-Line Adoption Planning (1) Assigned to: Ron and Jane
- Product Line Inventory (2) Assigned to: Ron and Jane
- CONCEPTUAL PERSPECTIVE Requirements (3) Assigned to: Lorraine and Abdul Malik
- Logical PERSPECTIVE artifact definition (4) Assigned to: Stephen, Bo & Cecil
- Logical PERSPECTIVE bindings (5) Assigned to: Stephen, Bo & Cecil
- Implementable Specification Development (6) Assigned to: Zoran, Andy & Charlie
- Internal Publication for Balloting (7a) Phase 2
- Review and Voting (7b) Phase 2
- Ballot Reconciliation (7c) Phase 2
- External publication of Specifications (8) Phase 2
- DSTU Testing - if appropriate (9) Phase 2
- Education and Marketing (10) Phase 2
- Artifact Versioning and Retirement (11) Phase 2
- Arb to Review
- as well as TSC tracker
- 20140508 - Q3 - Tony, Lorraine, Bo
- Discussed DAM ballot recon for 50 minutes,
- Discussed the DAM definition and SAIF, using the ECCF to position the DAM.
- then discussed Bo's edits to the BAM chapter 7.
- Discussed DAM ballot recon for 50 minutes,
- Adjournment