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2014-06-30 Rx Conf Call

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  • Scott Robertson
  • Melva Peters (Scribe)
  • Hugh Glover (Chair)
  • John Hatem
  • Julia Chan
  • Julie James


Review of ISO Requirements for Electronic Prescription (John/Melva)

  • further discussion next week
Action:  John will update the document based on initial review by John and Melva and will send to individuals on today's call

CBCC Project Scope Statement

  • discussion of this PSS that is up for DESD review and some general guidelines that the Co-chairs have used to review in the past
  • there have been some negative comments on this one, but John hasn't any specific
  • Pharmacy will submit a vote of abstain for this PSS with some general comments

List Serve Discussion

  • none


  • DSTU Comments
    • Medication Administration Workflow comment from Jared Sinclair
      • Jared will join the call next Monday to discuss further
Action:  Melva to put spreadsheet with consolidated comments on SVN - Done
  • PHER/Pharmacy Harmonization
    • no discussion

Pharmacy Template Project

  • Melva reviewed of PSS
  • Need to get SDWG
  • Melva moved and Julie seconded the approval of this PSS - Carried (5/0/0)
Action:  Melva to send to SDWG for co-sponsor approval
Action: Melva to submit to DESD for approval

Mood Code Discussion

  • no updates from John
  • will be updated as part of Pharmacy Template Project work

Harmonization Proposals

  • Julie has reviewed initial comment package and indicates there is no concern for Pharmacy
  • Julie moved - Melva seconded that we accept harmonization package without need for participation - Carried (5/0/0)
Action:  Melva will send email - done

Next meeting - 2014-07-07 at 1600hr Eastern

  • Hugh will not be on the call for the next four Monday's calls
  • Agenda Items
    • Review of ISO Requirements for Electronic Prescription (John/Melva)
    • List Serve Discussion
    • FHIR DSTU Updates
      • DSTU Comments
      • PHER/Pharmacy Harmonization
    • Pharmacy Template Project
    • Mood Code Discussion
    • Harmonization Proposals