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2014-06-02 Rx Conf Call
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- Hugh Glover (chair)
- John Hatem
- Marla Albitz (scribe)
- Tom De Jong
- Julie Glover
OOC Agenda
- List serve Discussions
- DSTU question
- Resource development
- Pharmacy use of Mood code etc.
- Pharmacy Template project
FHIR List Serve Discussions
- No actionable Listserv items for Rx WG.
PSS for FHIR work
- Need to create a PSS to do the updates and to develop a new resource
5/26/2014 Action: John will confirm with Hugh if he has availability. FHIR group indicated that if we didn't have the bandwidth they will assign a resource
6/2/2014 Action follow-up: Hugh said he does not have the bandwidth to engage on this effort. Action: Hugh will get in touch with Jean D. to discuss our possible work on this project.
Pharmacy's use of mood codes
Action: John will share his document to the list serve
Pharmacy Template Work
- There is a project scope state for Phase 1. Work started on this work in Phoenix.
- have started the work of mapping V3 to V2 to CCDA medication templates
- During 5/26/14 call, Lisa Nelson volunteered to take the output into a template database within Structured Docs. No update on that activity.
- We still need to discuss this work with the larger group included Jean, Tom etc.
- Reviewed it on this call for people to get exposed to the work and provide feedback.
- With a strong attendance in Chicago, we plan to focus on the Pharmacy Template work.
- John presented the IMM_MedAdmin_Harm_v6.xlxs. John shared that additional cleanup is needed in order to inform the pharmacy template work.
- John presented the Pharmacy v3_HL7vs Mapping_old.xls file. Explained that it provides a mapping from V3, FHIR, V2 models. John sought reaction from group to get a sense of whether this an effective tool for the template work. Hugh felt it would work well, but recommended we reconcile it with the Rx Resource library.
- John walked through the C-CDATemplateLibrary to illustrate how the information in the template library was leveraged to build the Pharmacy v3_HL7vs Mapping_old.xls document.
- Hugh asked if examples of XML exist for the template libraries. John confirmed that they do exist and showed a sample discharge summary file to the group. The samples appear to be part of the C-CDA template library distribution.
Action: John to check the Rx resource library to insure Pharmacy v3_HL7vs Mapping_old.xls aligns with the contents of this work in this spreadsheet. Action: Tom suggested we pass the Rx template work via email. John will share the documents via email. Action: Hugh to send email to determine if next week’s meeting should occur. Action: To continue work at the Chicago working group meeting. The meeting will be well attended. Plans to meet Monday through Thursday, no meeting on Friday.
Next meeting - 2014-06-09 @ 1600 ET
- Agenda
- List serve discussion
- FHIR DSTU question - compliance
- Pharmacy use of Mood code etc.
- ISO Definitions
- Pharmacy Template project/work