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2014-03-24 Rx Conf Call

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  • John Hatem
  • Hugh Glover (Chair)
  • Julie James
  • Melva Peters (Scribe)
  • Jose Costa Teixeira
  • Hans Buitendijk
  • Jeff Rinda
  • Lisa Nelson
  • Marla Albitz


HL7 v2.9 questions from O&O

  • Hans did a review of the proposed change to RGV - to update continuous administration
    • has been reviewed in O&O
      • in IHE - use RGV to send order to an infusion pump
        • if there is a rate change - want to send an update of administration rate to an infusion already running
        • propose wording change to the introduction to the transaction
          • want to allow order control of XO (change of the order) in addition to RE (start of the infusion) for RVG
    • neither Scott or Tom are on the call to provide adequate feedback.
    • Motion that this proposal is accepted pending a 1 week review on the Pharmacy List and no issues are raised will be considered approved.
      • Moved by John - seconded by Hans - Approved (6/2/0)

Discussion of dynamic model

  • Discussion that needs to start in O&O and will bring back to pharmacy if needed
  • Suggested that the specific questions/use cases that need to be answered could be developed - can be reviewed by O&O
  • If specific topics need to be discussed - asked O&O to bring them back to Pharmacy
    • can pull out pharmacy uses cases that are appropriate

List Serve Discussions

  • "Frequency" update requested. No discussion on today's call
    • should document how frequency should be documented
Action:  Check Pharmacy Hot Topics areas to see if we have added the question from Brett/Mamatha related to frequency.  Also to check and seed if we have documented examples sent by Claude.  
Action:  Ask Tom for update
  • Immunization questions - John H will forward discussion/question to the list.
    • Question from Bonnie McAllister - should raise these with PHER
Action:  John to forward some of the question to the List
Action:  include on agenda for next week's call
  • Pharmacy's use of mood codes.
    • John H described a very high level description of how mood codes are used in the Pharmacy materials; order, admininistration, dispense and statements of use.
    • Lisa referred Pharmacy to an email that included a document that summarized the CDA use of act class, mood code, etc for Pharmacy relevant topics.
Action: John to finish the work he has started - use of Mood Codes - may need to consider the role of architecture in the use of Mood Codes.  There may be some mood codes that are not appropriate to be used.  
Action:  Include on agenda for next weeks call - discuss collaboration with work IHE has done.


  • none

Next meeting - 2014-03-24 @ 1600 ET

  • Agenda
    • List serve discussion
      • Frequency
      • Immunization questions
      • Pharmacy use of Mood code etc.
    • Medication/Immunization FHIR Harmonization
    • Out of Cycle Meeting - Planning - Joint meeting and HL7 Pharmacy meeting
    • Pharmacy Template project/work
    • Endorsement of External Document - Pending confirmation that Scott will attend