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2013-11-13 Care Plan Meeting Minutes

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Return to Care Plan Project 2012


Bekcy Angeles

Enrique meneses

Gordon Raup

Kevin Coonan

Stephen Chu

Susan Campbell

Nan Hau

Laura Heermann Langford

Elaine Ayres

Russ Leftwitch


  • Item 1:
Extensive discussion of the definitions surrounding Care Plan, Plan of Care, Treatment Plan. Strong opinions supporting the differences of the term and definitions. Strong opinions supporting the use of the terms as synonyms for one definition and use them interchangeably as is current practice.

  • Item 2:
Motion made by Stephen:
The motion for the different types of plan definition work on an independent stream of work with content being incorporated into the wiki.
Start the ballot reconciliation on next conference call and addressing the ballot comments with the following disposition statement:
Ballot comment on different types of plan is being addressed a dedicated stream of work. Details and work progress is posted to the
Types of Plan - Differentiation and Definitions
with the final work to be incorporated into the revised ballot content for May 2014 ballot cycle
2nd by Kevin.
Abstain: 1
Oppose: 0
Affirmative: 6 (Elaine and Russ not on conference call when voting conducted)

  • Item 3: To Do's
Stephen to post story board on wiki
Nan to create “Patient Journey” and post on wiki
Kevin to post DMIM etc info on wiki for consideration and further discussion in future.