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2013-08-26 Rx Conf Call

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  • Scott Robertson (Chair)
  • John Hatem
  • Tom de Jong
  • Lisa Nelson
  • Terry Meredith
  • Melva Peters (scribe)

List Serve Discussions

  • Parts of Day in Dosing Schedule.
    • Tom will respond, Hugh may weigh in, group will discuss further on next call
    • John H - is there a way to send codes for parts of days in the current standard?
      • Tom - yes, but no clear direction.
      • old abbreviations were available. (in EVIL)
ACTION:  all should read Tom's response, and respond as appropriate
      • Could use interval of time, but then brings up question of "when is morning"
  • Allergies for Classes of Medications. (with StrucDoc)
    • relative merits of different code systems.
    • We can all agree that there is an issue, but what should be done to address the issue. Clinician issue: needs to be simplified

September 2013 Ballot Status

  • Status of our material
    • Pharmacy material - has been updated with work that John and Melva did
      • CMET text material is not included - Scott working on getting - still ongoing
      • old diagrams are still included - Hugh has not had time to finish this
        • diagrams have been updated and Scott has forwarded off all of the diagrams to Don - need to confirm if they have been added to the material
Action:  Melva to update diagrams and let Scott know when done.  He will confirm with Don how to proceed. - DONE

IDMP Ballot

  • confirm next steps with Hugh - deferred to a call when Hugh is able to join
Action: Add to the agenda to upcoming teleconference call

September 2013 WGM Agenda

Review of C-CDA Ballot

  • question and discussion about how Pharmacy coordinates material in the development of CCDA
  • discussion of how domain expertise is used in the development of standards
  • we have the plan for a Project to do the comparison of CDA to our models
  • Review of Ballot Approach
    • will need to determine an approach and how to move forward with the work
Action:  Asked Lisa to forward the list of templates that should be a priority.
Action:  Add discussion of project to Forward Planning quarter in Cambridge

Domain Experts Steering Division

  • Patient Care M&C, Poll open until Sept 11, 2013. document poll
  • PSS for CQI Work Group. Poll is open until September 7, 2013 unless quorum is reached earlier. document poll


  • no action
Action:  confirm if there is anything we need to do related to FHIR