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2013-06-03 Rx Conf Call

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  • Melva (Chair and Scribe)
  • John Hatem
  • Terry Meredith - Cerner Multum
  • Tom de Jong

OOC Planning

  • review ISO material in advance
  • Tom to followup with Jurgen and Michael about IHE Pharmacy agenda topics

List Serve Discussions

  • FHIR Status Discussion - review of Tom's comments
    • need to have a further discussion during the OOC on the statuses and their definition to be clear we are talking about the order itself and not the act of ordering/prescribing
    • suggest that we add this to the agenda
    • need further discussion of changes to single line items - we believe that our order resource is limited to a single medication
    • state transitions- needs further discussion

September 2013 Ballot Task Review

  • Assistance from Don for PubDB set up - no response to email yet
    • John to followup with Don
  • followup with Scott - done

Pharmacy CMETs Request to Publish

  • need to determine if the request to publish has been made
    • deferred to June 17th meeting

Recirculation Ballot of medication CPM CMETs

  • deferred to June 17th


  • next Pharmacy teleconference is June 17th at 4pm Eastern - there is no call next week