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20121112 FMG concall

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HL7 TSC FMG Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#
web meeting

Date: 2012-11-12
Time: 1:00 PM U.S. Eastern
Chair: Hugh Glover Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Quorum = yes/no
Co chairs x Hugh Glover x Lloyd McKenzie
ex-officio . Ron Parker, FGB Chair . John Quinn, CTO
Members Members Observers/Guests
Lorraine Constable . John Moehrke x Lynn Laakso, scribe
x Jean Duteau x Brian Pech x Rob Hausam
x David Hay . Austin Kreisler


  • Roll Call
  • Agenda Check
  • Process Management
    • Ballot process management (Lloyd)
  • Developing FMG Management Methodology
  • For next week (19th)
    • Connectathon management (David/Brian)
    • Approve DMP and Mission & Charter


  • Roll Call - quorum not achieved 1:09 PM ET
  • Agenda Check
  • Jean arrives; quorum achieved.
  • Process Management
    • Ballot process management (Lloyd)
      • FHIR manages their own publishing so don't have the same deadlines for Don. 2nd draft for comment ballot means less rigor as well. Deadline is 24th but really want the content earlier to package it up and QA before submission to HQ. Content from PA, Pharmacy, XDS, audit (Security event), maybe OO. Need it a week in advance. Content due 12/3 to HQ, need FHIR content by the 24th. Lloyd will ping FM to see if they have a draft resource. Several things from the Core team.
  • Connectathon management (David/Brian) - rooms arranged, what scenarios to test. Should that be the FGB to decide? Lloyd recalls an open call on what scenarios should be run. Needs to be this week so people can get questions answered before the content freeze. Need list from last time to solicit participation and availability. Maybe use part of this time next week? Will need more than 20 mins.
  • Developing FMG Management Methodology
    • First thoughts on FMG Management Process Development wiki (Hugh) reviewed
      • Further discussion on best practice vs expected practice - rules expecting to enforce or recommendations. Best practices in different areas, balloting versus resource definition
      • escalation process includes issues of content, which precepts we've defined, or issues of process.
      • Greenfield within HL7, may look to Thomas Erl's stuff. Lloyd will draft a process. Hugh suggests Ron will have some contribution as well.
      • Knowing what's going on will make Liaisons more important. Passive process for people to come and tell you about something won't work, must solicit information. How would the process work? May need to work with TSC around cochairs dinner, going to each WG session. Each member take 2 WGs and subscribe to their listserv, read their minutes if not attending their calls. Find out when they are discussing FHIR on their WG agenda at the WGM. Lloyd counts 14 currently involved with FHIR, PC, OO, PA, Pharm, Vocab, ITS, Dev, FM ,II, MH, SD CG, PHER, PS. Put the names on the wiki and seek volunteers for assignments. While liaisons assigned by the WGs suggested, they want to have responsibility assigned within the FMG.
      • Escalation process should come from FGB
      • Education - should ensure attendance from each WG involved. David suggests involving Rene. Need to get the people who need the training to sign up for the opportunities we already have, then think about what sorts of training needed for users (vs developers) and how to deliver. Brian adds HL7 training issues are becoming better understood beyond FHIR.
  • For next week (19th)
    • Ballot content review and QA process
    • Lloyd's escalation document
    • Assign reps for committees
    • MnM process (Jean)
    • Naming rules for data elements (v3 or suffixes, etc) and guidance for handling history (suggested topic from Ewout via Lloyd)

Adjourned 2:03 PM ET