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20120911 Tooling WGM Minutes

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Meeting Information

HL7 Tooling Meeting Agenda/Minutes

Location: Guest Room 1147, Hyatt Baltimore MD USA

Date: 2012-09-11
Time: 11:00 am EDT Q2
Facilitator: Jane Curry Note taker(s): Jane Curry
Attendee Name, Affiliation
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x Jane Curry, Co-Chair
x Massimo Frossi, Insiel Mercato
x William Goossen, Results4Care
x Abdul-Malik Shakir, Shakir Consulting
x Francesco Rossi, TBS Group
x Michael van der Zel, UMCG
Quorum Requirements Met (co-chair plus 3 counting staff): yes


Agenda Topics
MAX Project update (15 min), EHRS-FM Profile Project update


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
MAX – Abdul-Malik Shakir

  • Ability of export items out of EA into a user-friendly representation such as Excel and to be able to import back into EA to demonstrate a 360 process.
  • CIC will review current state of MAX project and identify whether or not to re-release RFP to solicit a team to produce a solution since the previous RFP produced proposals to fulfill some, but not all of the roles needed to produce a solution.
  • Michael van de Zel demonstrated a tool he has produced which imports and can be enhanced to export XML output from Excel into Enterprise Architect. He built this tool for his day job to assemble all the different perspectives for health systems managements so they could be considered together.

EHRS-FM Phase 1 – William Goosen and Michael van de Zel

  • Project started and work underway. Dependency on EHR WG to provide detailed validation rules and to export from Excel the XML used to publish which will also be input to the EA tooling. Michael will enhance the existing EA add on to represent the FM capabilities. The Tooling WG will need to be involved in reviewing in late November and early December. Effectively, if the solution cannot be approved by December 15th, we will need to notify HQ. Presentation available.

Meeting Outcomes

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Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
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