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2012-06-18 Rx Conf Call
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- Tom de Jong
- Melva Peters (chair)
- Stephen Chu
- Sue Thompson
- Jean Duteau
- Derrick Evans
- Wendy Huang
- Scott Robertson
- John Hatem (scribe)
List Discussions
- Last Dose time
- Question is answered
Action item: Tom will add a Hot Topic documenting the resolution
- Harmonization Proposals
- Concept Domain Updates
- Wendy described the proposal
- Melva stated that Wendy and she reviewed with Julie James and made changes with her input.
- Motion to accept the Harmonization proposal by Wendy H; Seconded by Jean Duteau; vote: For 8, Abstain 0, Against 0
- Concept Domain Updates
Action Item: Wendy to submit the proposal endorsed as-is for the July 2012 Harmonization cycle ( Done)
- Vocabulary Discussion
- Stephen Chu asked Wendy about another vocabulary project related to Pharmacy and other workgroups. This was related to a Vocab project where they are looking across multiple domains where the same “named concept” may be used. Wendy stated that she sent information to Julie James regarding Pharmacy concepts of interest.
- Wendy is asking for pharmacy to clarify the usage of these concepts.
Vancouver WG Meetings
- Minutes
- Melva was still seeking input for Monday Q3 and Q4.
- Jean D reported that Jean D and John H worked on Clinical Statement comparison during Q3. No notes on Q4.
Action: Melva will update the minutes from Vancouver and re-post
IDMP Ballot Reconciliation
- deferred this week as Hugh was not on the call.
- The following IDMP to dos are being tracked.
- Hugh will plan times for reconciliation discussions (so Japan can join) - Still open
- After the calls, he will bring results to Pharmacy WG for a final vote.
- Quorum may be a challenge, so outcomes will not be voted on during calls.
FIHR project
- Jean D reported that a Pharmacy FHIR sub group has been created to identify and define Pharmacy Resources for FHIR.
- First call has been scheduled for today following the Pharmacy weekly con call.
Extemporaneous Products
- Topic deferred until Julie joins the call.
Action item: Julie to start Hot Topic on Extemporaneous Products with sub-topics for TPN, Intravenous, etc on Wiki on how to use CPM to describe
Pharmacy EHR Profile Ballot
- Scott reported that there were questions related to how ‘joint balloting’ between NCPDP and HL7 would work. Scot has an Action item to update the PSS to include answers to this question.
- A second issue related to ‘intellectual property’ and how any IP will be addressed came up. The current MOU does not address IP. However Scott stated that this issue has been discussed in the past and the IP is jointly owned by HL7 and NCPDP. The PSS also needs to incorporate some reference to how IP will be handled.
Action Item: Scott will follow up with TSC. Austin has requested that someone come and explain the various issues. Scott has volunteered to do the follow up with TSC on June 25, 2012, the next meeting date.
Patient Medication Profile Project
- Melva reported that the PSS has been updated and reviewed the changes during the meeting.
- Proposal to accept the Patient Medication Profile project PSS.
- Motion to accept: Stephen to accept. Seconded by Derrick. Vote: For: 8, Abstain: 0, Against: 0
- Steven has posted Medication Management Concepts and definitions document to the HL7 Rx wiki
- We need to make sure that we do not have inconsistent outcomes with IHE Pharmacy and HL7 Pharmacy
- Tom and Stephen will be following the IHE work
- We discussed the need to divide the work with IHE Pharmacy at our Joint Meeting in Paris
- Pharmacy will work on Static models
- IHE Pharmacy will work on reconciliation
Action: Stephen to find out when is IHE Pharmacy having their discussions and post to the list Action: Tom to look up minutes of joint meeting in Paris - division of work Action: Tom will check with IHE about the agenda for the meetings
- Tom spoke to Marco who had tried to attend call, but ran into technical difficulties.
- He reported that the Glossary has been updated by Bill Hess recently and that we additional content to harmonize.
- Derrick reported he plans to do some work with the Glossary this week and that included evaluating Stephen’s Medication Management concepts and definitions document.
IHE Joint Meeting
- Melva and Tom confirmed that HL7 Pharmacy has confirmed meeting rooms.
- Joint day with IHE on October 24th
- Pharmacy OOC meeting on Oct 22/23
- We should make the request to HL7 TSC for a meeting - minimum of 3 days and maximum of 5 days
Common Product Model
- Jean D reported that we still have significant body of implementers who use datatypes R1 and this issue is still under discussion.
- No other discussion regarding the ballot reconciliation
- None
Next meeting
- Monday, June 25th at 4pm Eastern Daylight Time