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2012-03 Out of Cycle Meeting - Oslo

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March 6th & 7th 2012


Clarion Collection Hotel Bastion,Skippergaten 7 No-0152, 0152 Oslo (this is the link to the English language site)

Room bookings

You can hunt for your own, or we have a special rate of 995NOK arranged (which seems reasonable to me) in the Hotel where the meeting will take place. To take advantage of this rate please send a request for a room booking to Line at who can make it all happen.


We aren’t doing a formal registration process, but we do need to know numbers to keep the cost appropriate and to make sure there is lunch for all! To register please send an eMail to or to not later than Friday 17th February.


To have draft ballot content published on Jean-Henri’s laptop at the end of each day so that we leave Oslo with only minor editorial work remaining. The deadline for first submission to Publishing for the May ballot is just a few days after the meeting so getting to “done” is a real imperative.

Our thanks to the board of HL7 Norway and to Line Sele in particular for making this happen.


We are focussing on preparation of material for the May 2012 Ballot – this is expected to extend the coverage of Medication Order and Dispense to include institutional use cases. This is a working meeting, and all are very welcome, but do expect to roll your sleeves up and edit or review materials. This doesn’t mean that newcomers are not welcome – you will bring fresh eyes to our content which is great, but we won’t be doing any tutorial sessions.

The plan is that we will focus on Medication Order on the first day and Medication Dispense on the second. We will fit some discussion of Administration and Infusions as sub topics as appropriate. Mornings will be given over to review of the content we have and afternoons to editing and trial publishing material.

Note: We should have a "bucket" for things we think are worth discussing but are not properly part of this ballot.