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201101 Marketing Meetings
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This is the agenda of the Marketing Committee for the January 2011 WGM
Minutes of Monday Q2
- Participants: Grant Wood (chair), Jill kaufman,Max Walker ,Heather Grain, Charlie Bishop, Martin Entwisthle, Catherine Chronaki, Rene Spronk (scribe), David Hay, Stuart MacKinnon, Mark McDougall.
- Call to order by Grant Wood at 11:00
- Administrative items
- Review of the agenda for this quarter. Some changes were made.
- Discuss how to reinstate monthly Marketing Council conference calls, maybe first Thursday, 11 AM EST (Grant)
- Affiliates sharing of local marketing efforts (What local programs have been done, what worked, plans for the future, what can HL7 International do to help)
- Australia (Max and Heather)
- Have been fully consumed by the organization of this event.
- Max: We put a lot of effort into training/education around this event, even outside of the normal HL7 btraining courses. Curious to see how successful this is going to be. We think this the reason why we have a healthy registration list. David: because of training people from NZ came over. Max: post this meeting we'll start thinking beyond.
- Heather: next week we've got a summer school. To use the expertise that's at the meeting for marketing/development of skills. Objective is to help people understand what there is to know, and how to gain additional knowledge. gather information about what people need. In running the program, just finding out who comes, what they choose to go to, that's knowledge to bring back.
- Max: samen nucleaus of people who fulfill the active roles in multiple standards organization (IHE, HL7, standards australia, ..)
- New Zealand (David Hay MD)
- Small affiliate, no formal marketing plan. Last year stepping up, mainly on CDA and IHE. Like australia goverment now has put forth requirements. Our problem is no so much about awareness, it is about education. At the Cx level, up to the deveopment level. In terms of delivering we've done a number of seminars. Last year had Grahame (60 attendees, on CDA) and Michael van Campen (pharmacy). Will try in 2012 to get interantional speakers to run up. Mainly CDA and XDS. Mostly technical people. Webinars are very useful. More concerned with resource (we've done the marketing) than with anything else. Some people from NZ did the e-learning course, and we don't have the resources to do so. It's the training and the resource that's the issue for us. The other things is IHE XDS.
- What would you like from HL7 International? - Having educational resources to do training, having access to best practices.
- Suggestion to publish a page with resources.
- Martin: cycles of interest and adoption. Boom and bust. We're so dependent on members, we should maybe think of how to deal with this. David has created 'toolkits' to help bypass the complexities of a standard by making it implementable.
- HL7 Netherlands / Germany / Norway (Rene)
- Netherlands: similar to UK, powerful government body which specifies the standards. Affiliates main purpose is to act as a platform to exchange implementation issues.
- Germany: mature affiliate. Printed HL7 newsletter, annual conference.
- Norway: new affiliate, initial effort was to convince the 4 healthcare regions to adopt HL7. Now education will be a major issue.
- HL7 UK (Charlie)
- Interesting situation, NHS dictates implementation stuff. Marketing focused on trying to improve membership situation, membership is plummeting. Abandonded this years conference, more focus on roadshows. We do training, has been outsourced to a commercial training company. There is a university program, HL7 component in healthcare informatics studies. Trouble funding this.
- Grant: different levels of maturity, resource issue seems to be an issue, should discuss in 2011 (how to attract new volunteers). David: demonstrate value proposition of an affiliate to a healthcare ministry, source of funding next to membership fees. Charlie: IP is the key thing we as affiliates are selling. Catherine: affiliates would like a marketing toolset they could use within their own realm.
- Australia (Max and Heather)
- Begin Marketing Council strategy and planning for 2011
- Rene provides and overview of strategic marketing plan and Marketing Plan: Strategic Initiatives.
- There are all sorts of bits and pieces already in existence which we would be able to use in the creation process of an overall marketing plan.
- We need to deal with the big questions. What vare the needs that we satisfy with HL7 standards? What are our customers? What are the selling points?
- HL7 as an organization doesn't have a marketing focus. We need to start thinking from the customers perspective.
- Mark (who just joined the meeting): number of hospitals that attend meetings has gone down. Done via software vendors. Need an elevator pitch.
- Catherine: 'providers: you save money if you're using HL7' - certainly a USP.
- Rene provides and overview of strategic marketing plan and Marketing Plan: Strategic Initiatives.
- Discuss options for co-marketing with IHE, HIMSS (Catherine)
- Not discussed due to a lack of time.
- Adjourned at 12:32
Monday Q4
- Participants: Grant Wood (chair), Jill Kaufman, Martin Entwistle, Catherine Chronaki, Gora Datta.
- Call to order by Grant Wood at 3:30 PM
- Administrative items
- Review of the agenda items for this quarter, noting that the list was long, and that most of the items would be carried over to future Marketing council conference calls.
- Discuss and schedule topics for 2011 free Ambassador webinars
- A list of 11 HL7 topics and speakers for the webinars was reviewed. Grant will work with Andrea in the HL7 office to plan dates for 2011.
- Review current plans, and discuss further developing the plan, for the Ambassador page on the HL7 International website
- A quick review of ideas for the website was shared. This is another project Grant is working with Andrea to complete. Next step is to introduce the project to the HL7 webmaster.
- Discuss the value and future of the CDA Products and Services website
- Both Jill and Gora offered the history of this project. Grant asked the question why does HL7 International not add this to the HL7 website? Grant offered to follow up on that question.
- Review the efforts underway to write one-page standard descriptions of HL7 domains with marketing consultant Martopia. Also update the Sample Listing of HL7 Specifications document
- Topic not discussed. Will address in upcoming conference call.
- Review and clarify Marketing Council relationship with Education
- Topic not discussed. Will address in upcoming conference call.
- Review the application process for new Ambassadors
- Topic not discussed. Will address in upcoming conference call.
- Review and update the roles and responsibilities document for Ambassadors (add new presentations, change copyright to 2011)
- Topic not discussed. Will address in upcoming conference call.