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2011-12-05 Rx Conf Call
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Related Links |
- List Discussions
- Action Items
- Ballot Progress
- Agenda - San Antonio - any updates
- Out of Cycle Meeting Minutes - review and sign off
- IHE Medication Profile White Paper - Any progress?
- Reconstitution modelling
- EHR Project
- Do Pharmacy want to co-sponsor?
- Services project
- PSS to SOA
- Conf call time
- WG Health Measure - Harmonisation report
- Planning
- Mission and Charter
- Clinical Statement Comparison
- Ballot prep for May 2012
- Chair - Hugh
- Scribe - Melva
- Derrick Evans
- Mike Krugman
- John Hatem
- Kevin Feenan
- Julie James
- Tom de Jong
List Discussions
Pharmacy and FHIR
- deferred to next week
- Marco has created a Google spreadsheet that he has shared with co-chairs
- Tom will forward to list
- Source of current definitions is a translated list from NL - will likely need to be updated
Co-Chairs to add to agenda for upcoming call to evaluate and determine plan All - review in advance Tom - post to list Tom to reach out to Marco to invite to next weeks call
Joint meeting with IHE Pharmacy
- story in HL7 eNews
Relationship Type
- resolved for now
Ballot Progress
Knowledgebase Query
- complete
- a number of publishing issues including a new bug which should now be resolved
- ballot is about to open with the initial version
WGM Agenda
Tom will post draft version to list
Out of Cycle Minutes
- John will provide feedback
- deferred to next week
IHE White Paper
- no discussion
===Reconstitution Modelling---
- no action
- deferred to next week
Services Project
- Hugh has forwarded version of PSS to SOA WG
Work Group Health
- Attendance at Harmonization meetings
- Hugh reviewed the proposal to try to increase attendance at Harmonization meetings
- concerns that not all WGs have vocab facilitators
- may be a requirement to send one representative from each WG or to send a formal response to the proposals
- needs to be reviewed and approved by TSC
- in principle this is a good idea, but a commitment of time and effort
SWOT and Mission and Charter
- these were worked on in San Diego
- both have been posted to List
- It was moved by Tom and seconded by Julie to approve the SWOT and Mission and Charter as posted to the List
- Carried (7/0/0)
Melva to send to HQ
Clinical Statement Comparison
- John reviewed his analysis of the the comparison to Clinical statement model to Medication order RMIM
Hugh to reach out to Clinical Statement WG to invite to next weeks call
- we need to discuss next steps and make a plan
Ballot Planning
- next weeks call
- Tom and Melva will not be able to make next weeks call, Hugh will chair.