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2011-08-02 RCRIM Call Minutes

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Meeting Information

HL7 RCRIM Agenda

Location: Dial: 770-657-9270 Passcode: 745896#

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Date: 2011-08-02
Time: 10:00-11:00 am Eastern Time
Facilitator Ed Tripp Note taker(s) Ed Tripp
Attendee Name Affiliation
x William Friggle Sanofi Aventis
x Patricia Garvey FDA
x Norman Gregory FDA
x Ed Helton NCI
x Bron Kisler CDISC
x Jay Levine FDA
x Steve Sandberg ScenPro
x Lise Stevens FDA
x Ed Tripp Edward S. Tripp and Associates
x Steve Ward Lilly
Quorum Requirements Met: NO
quorum for RCRIM is 10 plus a co-chair


Agenda Topics

  1. Agenda review and approval
  2. Approve meeting minutes from 2011-06-07_RCRIM_Call_Minutes
  3. Study Design IG - Reballot or simply reconcile
  4. Complete SWOT update (tentative)
  5. Work on Three Year Plan (tentative)
  6. Review SD WGM Agenda
  7. Other Items

Supporting Documents

NOTES (no quorum)

Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  1. Agenda review and approval
    No items added to agenda, however the order was revised to move the WGM agenda review up and delay the three year plan until the WGM.
  2. Approve meeting minutes from
    No quorum, therefore this is tabled until meeting on 2011-08-16
  3. Study Design IG - Reballot or simply reconcile
    It was reported that during reconciliation the team was able to address all comments without making a substantive change to the IG. Ed will recomend to Mitra completion of the reconciliation, obtaining approval and processing a request to publish.
  4. Plan SD WGM Agenda
    We should consider putting revision of the Decission Making Practices on the agenda. There are a number of calls and meetings where we are failing to acheive quorum.
    Ed is still wokring to have a member of Structured Documents provide a CDA education session.
    There is a desire to have Stan Huff or another board committee member to present the Update on HL7 Board V2/V3/CDA Task Force again in a time slot before the CDA eductation session. Ed Tripp will inquire as to availability.
  5. SWOT Analysis
    The SWOT Analysis for RCRIM was modified and will be circulated to the membership for review (see link below). The document will be placed on the August 16, 2011 teleconference agenda for approval.
  6. Other Items
  • Adjourned 10:45 am Eastern.


Meeting Outcomes

Action Item Owner Due Date
Arrange for presentation of Update on HL7 Board V2/V3/CDA Task Force Ed Tripp 8/16/2011
Schedule a joint call with Structured Documents for September (prior to WGM) Ed Tripp 8/16/2011
Attempt to schedule joint session with SDWG for San Diego Ed Tripp 8/16/2011
Revise and distribute revised CDISC to Message PSS Patty Garvey TBD

Next Meeting Preliminary Agenda Items

  1. Agenda review and approval
  2. Approve meeting minutes from 2011-06-07_RCRIM_Call_Minutes
  3. Approve SWOT Analysis
  4. Review WGM Agenda
  5. Other Items

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